Name (Simplified Chinese):林拥军
Name (Pinyin):linyongjun
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:华中农业大学
Teacher College:College of Life Sciences & Technology


- Identification and Application of a Rice Senescence-Associated Promoter.PLANT PHYSIOLOGY,2010,
- Up- and Down-regulated Expression of OsCPK25/26 Results in Increased Number of Stamens in Rice.PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTER,2014,
- Major alterations in transcript profiles between C-3-C-4 and C-4 photosynthesis of an amphibious species Eleocharis baldwinii.PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY,2014,
- Expression profile analysis of the polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein genes in rice and their responses to phytohormones and fungal infection.PLANT CELL REPORTS??,2012,
- Improving panicle exsertion of rice cytoplasmic male sterile line by combination of artificial microRNA and artificial target mimic.PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL,2013,
- Identification of C(4) photosynthesis metabolism and regulatory-associated genes in Eleocharis vivipara by SSH.PHOTOSYNTHESIS RESEARCH,2011,
- Development and characterisation of transgenic rice expressing two Bacillus thuringiensis genes.PEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE,2011,
- Identification and functional characterization of a rice NAC gene involved in the regulation of leaf senescence.BMC PLANT BIOLOGY,2013,