Name (Simplified Chinese):林丽蓉
Name (Pinyin):linlirong
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address:主楼东附楼202办公
Alma Mater:中国地质大学
Teacher College:College of Resources & Environment
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Paper Publications
- Feng Wang, Jiazhou Chen, Lirong Lin. Effects of Rainfall-Induced Topsoil Structure Changes on Root-Zone Moisture Regime during the Dry Period.Eurasian Soil Science.2018, 51(1): 54-65 Xiaoqian Duan, Yusong Deng, Yu Tao, Yangbo He, Lirong Lin, Jiazhou Chen. Variation in soil saturated hydraulic conductivity along the hillslope of collapsing granite gullies.Hydrological Sciences Journal. 2018, 63(5): 803-817.
- Yu Tao, Yangbo He, Xiaoqian Duan, Ziqiang Zou, Lirong Lin, Jiazhou Chen*. Preferential flows and soil moistures on a Benggang slope: Determined by the water and temperature co-monitoring.Journal of Hydrology. 2017, (553): 678-690.
- Yangbo He, Lirong Lin, Jiazhou Chen*. Maize root morphology responses to soil penetration resistance related to tillage and drought in a clayey soil.Journal of Agricultural Science, 2017,(155)7:1137-1149.
- Lirong Lin, Yangbo He, Jiazhou Chen*,The influence of soil drying- and tillage-induced penetration resistance on maize root growth in a clayey soil,Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2016,15(5):1112–1120.
- Lirong Lin, Jiazhou Chen*. The effect of conservation practices in sloped croplands on soil hydraulic properties and root-zone moisture dynamics,Hydrological Process,2015, 29(9):2079-2088.
- Lirong Lin, Jiazhou Chen*, and Chongfa Cai.High rate of nitrogen fertilization increases the crop water stress index of corn under soil drought.Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2012,43(22):2865-2877.
- Jiazhou Chen*, Lirong Lin, and Guoan Lü.An index of soil drought intensity and degree: An application on corn and a comparison with CWSI.Agricultural Water Management, 2010,97(6):865-871.
- 王峰,李萍,熊昱,陈家宙,林丽蓉.不同干旱程度对夏玉米生长及产量的影响.节水灌溉,2017,(2):1-4.
- 林丽蓉,陈家宙*,王峰,曾涛,魏强,宋州俊.稻草覆盖对红壤旱坡地水力性质及水分状况的影响.中国生态农业学报,2015,23(2):159-166.
- 陶禹,向风雅,任文海,林丽蓉,陈家宙*.花岗岩红壤坡面工程措施初期的水土保持效果.水土保持学报,2015,29(5): 34-39.