学科:畜牧学其他专业 动物遗传育种与繁殖

- Huijuan Bi,Jonas Tranell,Dawn C. Harper,Weifeng Lin,Jingyi Li,Anders R. Hellström,Mårten Larsson,Carl-Johan Rubin,Chao Wang,Shumaila Sayyab,Susanne Kerje,Bertrand Bed’hom,David Gourichon,Shosuke Ito,Kazumasa Wakamatsu,Michèle Tixier-Boichard,Michael S. Marks,Daniel Globisch.A frame-shift mutation in COMTD1 is associated with impaired pheomelanin pigmentation in chicken.PLoS Genetics,2023,19(4):e1010724.
- Jingyi Li, et al. Characterization of the endogenous retrovirus insertion in CYP19A1 associated with henny feathering in chicken. Mobile DNA, 2019, 10:1-8..
- Jingyi Li, et al. A missense mutation in TYRP1 causes the chocolate plumage color in chicken and alters melanosome structure. Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research, 2019, 32:381-390..
- Jingyi Li, et al. Mutations upstream of the TBX5 and PITX1 transcription factor genes are associated with feathered legs in the domestic chicken. Molecular Biology & Evolution, 2020, 37:2477-2486..
- Doreen Schwochow, Susanne Bornelöv, Tingxing Jiang, Jingyi Li, et al. The feather pattern autosomal barring in chicken is strongly associated with segregation at the MC1R locus. Pigment cell & melanoma research, 2021, 34:1015-1028..
- Kejun Wang, Haifei Hu, Yadong Tian, Jingyi Li, et al. The chicken pan-genome reveals gene content variation and a promoter region deletion in IGF2BP1 affecting body size. Molecular Biology & Evolution, 2021, 38:5066-5081..
- Jingyi Li, et al. The crest phenotype in domestic chicken is caused by a 195 bp duplication in the intron of HOXC10. G3 Genes| Genomes| Genetics, 2021, 11: jkaa048. .
- Jingyi Li, et al. Cis-acting mutation affecting GJA5 transcription is underlying the Melanotic within-feather pigmentation pattern in chickens. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021, 118:1-9..
- MiOk Lee, Jingyi Li, et al. Hmga2 deficiency is associated with allometric growth retardation, infertility, and behavioral abnormalities in mice. G3 Genes| Genomes| Genetics, 2022, 12: jkab417..