Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):李凤娥
Name (Pinyin):lifenge
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address:第一综合楼B307
Alma Mater:华中农业大学
Teacher College:College of Animal Sciences & Technology / College of Veterinary Medicine

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- 主要奖励
- Isolation of differentially expressed genes in sow periovulatory follicles using suppression subtractive hybridization 2008.01
- 猪睾丸组织新miRNA分离鉴定及其对精子性状关键基因的遗传控制 2008.01
- 猪piRNA及其介导的配子细胞转座元件沉默机制的研究 2011.01
- 猪排卵前卵泡发育的调控网络及产仔数的遗传改良 2011.08
- 猪场废弃物处理 2012.01
- 大白猪与太湖猪排卵前卵泡差异表达的miRNAs鉴定及卵泡成熟的调控通路的挖掘 2012.01
- 鄂清黑猪新品种(系)选育与配套利用研究 2013.01
- 高通量降解组测序技术鉴别猪睾丸miRNA-靶mRNA及精子发生的遗传控制 2013.01
- 应城市兴力畜禽养殖有限责任公司与华中农业大学产学研合作 2014.01