贺超,女,1993年6月出生,江西莲花人,农学博士,华中农业大学植物科学与技术学院副研究员。2020年5月进入华中农业大学作物学流动站从事博士后研究工作,致力于小麦功能基因组学与分子设计育种研究。近五年,搭建了小麦高效 gRNA 设计工具,首次从单细胞水平解析了小麦根维管细胞发育的分子调控机制,整合遗传变异和基因表达调控挖掘了影响小麦产量和品质性状形成的新基因,为小麦重要农艺性状的基因组设计育种提供了靶标。目前主要研究方向为作物重要农业性状数字化解析和智能设计。
1)2023.12-2024.6,新型引导编辑技术开发与应用,科技创新 2030 重大项目子任务,首年经费20万,排名第1.
1. He C#, Bi S#, L Y#, S C, Li, Q, Saeed S, Chen W, Zhao C, Xu X, Lan C, Su H, Mao H*, Yan W*. Dynamic atlas of histone modifications and gene regulatory networks in endosperm of bread wheat. Nature Communications. 2024, 15, 9572.
2. Cao S#, Zhao X#, Li Z#*, Yu R, Li Y, Zhou X, Yan W*, Chen D*, He C*. Comprehensive integration of single-cell transcriptomic data illuminates the regulatory network architecture of plant cell fate specification. Plant Diversity. 2024, 46(3):372-385.
3. Liu Y#, Xu X#, He C#, Jin L, Zhou Z, Gao J, Wang X, Chen C, Ayaad, Li X & Yan W*. Chromatin loops gather targets of upstream regulators together for efficient gene transcription regulation during vernalization in wheat. Genome Biology, 2024, 25(1):306.
4. Ai G#, He C#, Bi S, Zhou Z, Liu A, Hu X, Liu Y, Jin L, Zhou J, Zhang H, Du D, Chen H, Gong X, Saeed S, Su H, Lan C, Chen W, Li Q, Mao H, Li L, Liu H, Chen D, Kaufmann K, Alazab KF, Yan W*. Dissecting the molecular basis of spike traits by integrating gene regulatory network and genetic variation in wheat. Plant Communications. 2024, 14:100879.
5. Zhang L#, He C#, Lai Y#, Wang Y, Kang L, Liu A, Gao Y, Li Z, Yang F, Li Q, Mao H, Chen D, Kaufmann K, Yan W*. Asymmetric gene expression and cell type specific regulatory networks in wheat root revealed by single cell multiomics analysis. Genome Biology. 2023, 24:65.
6. Wang X#, Chen C#, He C*, Chen D and Yan W*. Mapping open chromatin by ATAC-seq in bread wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022, 13:1074873-1074873.
7. He C#, Liu H#, Chen D, Xie WZ, Wang M, Li Y, Gong X, Yan W*, Chen LL*. CRISPR-Cereal: a guide RNA design tool integrating regulome and genomic variation for wheat, maize and rice. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2021, 19(11):2141-2143.
8. He C#, Zhang HY#, Zhang YX, Fu P, You LL, Xiao WB, Wang ZH, Song HY, Huang YJ*, Liao JL*. Cytosine methylations in the promoter regions of genes involved in the cellular oxidation equilibrium pathways affect rice heat tolerance. BMC Genomics. 2020, 21(1):560.
9. He C, Xiao X, Zhang Z, Peng Q, Huang Y, Liao JL*. Full-length cDNA library construction and analysis of rice panicle at early milky stage under high temperature stress. Journal of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences, 2015, 29(8):1437-1443.