Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):郭忠录
Name (Pinyin):Guo Zhong lu
Professional Title:Professor
Business Address:资环楼二楼
Alma Mater:华中农业大学
Teacher College:College of Resources & Environment
Discipline:Other specialties in Ecology Water and Soil Conservation & Desertification Control
Other Contact Information:
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Paper Publications
- Nitrogen mineralization controlled by N/P ratio of plant residues from riparian buffer strip.EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOIL BIOLOGY,2015,
- 郭忠录;钟诚;蔡崇法;丁树文;王中敏. 等高植物篱/大豆间作根系相互作用对生长和氮素吸收利用的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报,14(01), pp 59-64, 2008/1/25..
- Guo Zhonglu, *Cai Chongfa, Li Zhaoxia, Wang TianWei, Zheng MinJiao. 2008. N2O and CO2 emissions from red soils following land conversion in subtropical China. iCBBE/EPPH2008, pp. 4015-4018..
- Guo Zhonglu; Zhong Chen; *Cai Chongfa; Ding Shuwen; Wang Zhongmin. Nitrogen competition in contour hedgerow systems in subtropical China. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 81(1), pp 71-83, 2008/5..
- Guo Zhonglu; Cai Chongfa; Li Zhaoxia; Wang Tianwei; Zheng Minjiao. Crop residue effect on crop performance, soil N2O and CO2 emissions in alley cropping systems in subtropical China. Agroforestry Systems, 76(1), pp 67-80, 2009/5..
- 郭忠录;彭艳平;*蔡崇法;丁树文. 等高绿篱模式下红壤丘岗区浅沟坡面土壤水分时空分布. 水土保持研究, 17(4), pp 62-66, 2010/8/1..
- 郭忠录;*蔡崇法;郑珉娇. 紫穗槐茎叶水浸叶对大豆和蚕豆的化感作用. 华中农业大学学报, 29(4), pp 452-456,2010/8/1..
- Mo qiong;*Guo Zhonglu; Cai Chongfa; Zhang Guobiao. Influence of hedge pruning returning on soil CO2 flux in subtropical China. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE), 2010 4th International Conference, 2010/6/18-2010/6/20, pp 1-4, 2010/6/1..
- 张朝忙;丁树文;伍世良;李成芳;郭忠录;孙妍. 等高绿篱——坡地农业复合系统土壤性质空间变异. 亚热带水土保持, 04期, pp 9-13,2011..
- 莫琼;*郭忠录;蔡崇法;程艳辉;张国彪. 等高绿篱-坡地农业复合系统土壤CO_2排放特征.土壤通报, 04期, pp 967-972, 2011..