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Name (Simplified Chinese):葛贤宏
Name (Pinyin):gexianhong
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Agriculture
Alma Mater:华中农业大学
Teacher College:College of Plant Sciences & Technology
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葛贤宏,男,19775月生,安徽舒城人,教授,博士生导师,作物遗传改良全国重点实验室固定研究人员。长期从事油菜远缘杂交与新种质创建工作,以第一作者和者通讯作者在Plant JournalPlant Biotechnology Journal, GeneticsTheoretical and Applied Genetics等杂志发表论文20余篇;先后主持国际科学基金1项,国家自然科学基金4项;主讲本科生《普通遗传学》,研究生《细胞遗传学》等课程。


1997.09-2001.07 华中农业大学农学系,获农学学士学位

2001.09-2007.01 华中农业大学植物科技学院,获农学博士学位

2007.03-2009.12 华中农业大学植物科学技术学院讲师

2010.02-2011.02 英国莱斯特大学生物系访问学者

2010.01-2018.12 华中农业大学植物科学技术学院副教授

2019.01-至今    华中农业大学植物科学技术学院教授


远缘杂交是将野生种优异基因导入栽培种的重要途径。甘蓝型油菜(Brassica napus, AACC, 2n=38)属十字花科芸薹属植物,是重要的油料作物,我国50%以上的食用植物油来自于菜籽油。甘蓝型油菜由于形成与进化的历史较短(~1万年),遗传多样性低,育种资源不足。我们课题组长期从事油菜与芸薹属内其他物种以及十字花科其他属物种间的远缘杂交及杂种后代的遗传分析工作,创建了系列新型多倍体油菜,油菜与荠菜、二月兰、菘蓝等远缘杂种,获得一批创新性材料,如红色花,紫杆、抗菌核病、具有抗病毒功效的油菜(板蓝根青菜)等,在遗传与育种研究中得到了广泛应用。

1. 油菜多倍体的合成、遗传与新种质创制


2. 油菜近缘野生种系统进化与驯化


3. 油菜野生种渐渗系构建及优异基因发掘




华中农业大学自主创新基金利用基因编辑与染色体重组技术创建红花油菜新种质2662018PY074. 主持,2018-2020


十三五重点研发计划油菜优异种质资源精准鉴定与创新利用子课题(2016YFD0100202, 2016-2020

华中农业大学自主创新基金油菜近缘种花色遗传及红/紫花油菜创制2662015PY053. 主持, 2015-2017

国家自然科学基金(面上项目)甘蓝型油菜C基因组单条染色体的分离与遗传解析31471530)主持 2015-2018

国家自然科学基金(面上项目)“A基因组在甘蓝型油菜形成与进化中的遗传与表观遗传变化31171583)主持 2012-2015



瑞典国际科学基金“Exporing the relationship between nucleolar dominance and chromosome stability in Brassica wide hybirds by cDNA-AFLP”. (IFS:C/4403-1).主持,2008-2010


1.     邱杰,王泰,蔡博伟等.芸薹属同源异源六倍体(BcBcCcCcCoCo)染色体片段缺失的鉴定及其在色泽形成基因定位中的应用[J/OL].作物学报:1-12[2023-08-23].

2.     Zeng P, Ge X*, Li Z. Transcriptional Interactions of Single B-Subgenome Chromosome with C-Subgenome in B. oleracea-nigra Additional Lines. Plants (Basel). 2023,18;12(10):2029.

3.     Yang T, Cai B, Jia Z, Wang Y, Wang J, King GJ, Ge X*Li Z. Sinapis genomes provide insights into whole-genome triplication and divergence patterns within tribe Brassiceae. The Plant Journal2023, 113(2):246-261 (系统解析了新疆野油菜与芸薹属及白芥属物种的系统进化关系,提供了应将野芥归为芸薹属而非白芥属的基因组学证据)

4.     Chen D, Jin Q, Pan J, Liu Y, Tang Y, E Y, Xu L, Yang T, Qiu J, Chen X, Wang J, Gong D, Ge X*, Li Z, Cui C*. Fine mapping of genes controlling pigment accumulation in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Molecular Breeding. 20239;43(3):19

5.     Cai B, Wang T, Yue F, Harun A, Zhu B, Qian W, Ge X*, Li Z. Production and cytology of Brassica autoallohexaploids with two and four copies of two subgenomes Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2022, 135 (8):2641-2653

6.     Cai BWWang TFu WQHarun AGe XH*Li ZY. Dosage-Dependent Gynoecium Development and Gene Expression in Brassica napus-Orychophragmus violaceus Addition Lines. Plants 2021, 10, 1766.

7.     Harun A, Cai BW, Yang ZQ, Yang QY, Ge XH*, Li ZY. Asymmetrical effects of autopolyploidization on organ size and gene expression in Brassica rapa and B. oleracea. Scientia Horticulturae, 2021, 282(2):109991.

8.     Chen DZ, Liu Y, Yin S, Qiu J, Jin QD, King GJ, Wang J, Ge XH* and Li ZY. (2020) Alternatively Spliced BnaPAP2.A7 Isoforms Play Opposing Roles in Anthocyanin Biosynthesis of Brassica napus L. Frontiers in Plant Science. 11:983.

9.     陈道宗, 刘镒, 付文芹, 葛贤宏*, 李再云. (2019). 彩花油菜的创建及遗传育种进展. 中国油料作物学报. 41: 309-316.

10. Pan Q, Zhu B*, Zhang DW, Tong CB*, Ge XH*, Liu S, Li ZY. (2019). Gene Expression Changes During the Allo-/Deallopolyploidization Process of Brassica napus. Frontiers in Genetics 10. doi:10.3389/fgene.2019.01279.

11. Xu CY, Huang Q, Ge XH*, Li ZY. 2019). Phenotypic, cytogenetic, and molecular marker analysis of Brassica napus introgressants derived from an intergeneric hybridization with Orychophragmus. PLoS ONE 14(1): e0210518.

12. Chen DZ, Liu Y, Pan Qi, Li FF, Zhang QH, Ge XH* and Li ZY. (2018). De novo transcriptome assembly, gene expressions and metabolites for flower color variation of two garden species in Brassicaceae, Scientia Horticulturae, 240: 592-602.

13. Fu WQ, Chen DZ, Pan Q, Li FF, Zhao ZG, Ge XH*, Li ZY. (2018). Production of red-flowered oilseed rape via the ectopic expression of Orychophragmus violaceus OvPAP2. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 16: 367–380.

14. Mushtaq MAd, PanQ, Chen DZ, Zhang QH, Ge XH*, Li ZY. (2016). Comparative Leave Transcriptome Analysis Emphasizing on Accumulation of Anthocyanins in Brassica: Molecular Regulation and Potential Interaction with Photosynthesis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7:311.

15. Chen X, Ge XH*, Wang J, Tan C, King G, Liu KD (2015). Genome-wide DNA Methylation Profiling by Modified Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing in Brassica rapa Suggests that Epigenetic Modifications Play a Key Role in Polyploid Genome Evolution. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6: 836.

16. Ding L, Zhao ZG, Ge XH*, Li ZY (2014) Different timing and spatial separation of parental chromosomes in intergeneric somatic hybrids between Brassica napus and Orychophragmus violaceus. Genetics and Molecular Research, 13 (2): 2611 – 2618.

17. Ding L, Zhao ZG, Ge XH*, Li ZY* (2013). Intergeneric addition and substitution of Brassica napus withdifferent chromosomes from Orychophragmus violaceus: Phenotype and cytology. Scientia Horticulturae. Scientia Horticulturae, 164: 303-309.

18. Ge XHDing LLi ZY* (2013. Nucleolar dominance and different genome behaviors in hybrids and allopolyploids. Plant Cell Reports, 32:1661-1673

19. Cui C, Ge XH*, Zhou YY, Li MT, Li ZY* (2013) Cytoplasmic and Genomic Effects on Non-Meiosis-Driven Genetic Changes in Brassica Hybrids and Allotetraploids from Pairwise Crosses of Three Cultivated Diploids. PLoS ONE 8(5): e65078. (* Co-corresponding author)

20. Zhang XL, Ge XH*, Shao YJ, Sun GL, Li ZY*.2013.Genomic Change, Retrotransposon Mobilization and Extensive Cytosine Methylation Alteration in Brassica napus Introgressions from Two Intertribal Hybridizations. PLoS ONE 8(2): e56346. (* Co-corresponding author)

21. Cui C, Ge XH*, Gautam M, Kang L and Li ZY*. Cytoplasmic and Genomic Effects on Meiotic Pairing in Brassica Hybrids and Allotetraploids from Pair Crosses of Three Cultivated Diploids. Genetics, 2012 191:725-738. (* Co-corresponding author)

22. Ge XH, Wang J, Li ZY. Different Genome-Specific Chromosome Stabilities in Synthetic Brassica Allohexaploids revealed by wide crosses with Orychophragmus. Annals of Botany, 2009 104(1):19-31.

23. Ge XH, Li ZY. Intra- and intergenomic homology of B-genome chromosomes in trigenomic combinations of the cultivated Brassica species revealed by GISH analysis. Chromosome Research, 2007, 15: 849–861.

24. Ge XH, Li ZY. Extra divisions and nuclei fusions in microspores from Brassica allohexaploid (AABBCC)×Orychophragmus violaceus hybrids. Plant Cell Reports, 200625 (10): 1075-1080

25. 葛贤宏 张斌 宋斐寅 李再云. 2008)诸葛菜与芸薹属六倍体(AABBCC)属间杂种后代的遗传研究. 中国油料作物学报,30: 148-151


2008湖北省自然科学二等奖 第三完成人:芸苔属栽培种与诸葛菜属间杂种的新细胞学行为及新材料创建


2020 四川省科技进步二等奖 第六完成人:油菜多功能种质创制与利用

2022 贵州省自然科学二等奖 第三完成人:芸薹属异源多倍体形成的细胞及分子遗传学机制


Educational Experience

[1] 2001.9——2007.3
华中农业大学 > Doctoral Degree in Agriculture > 农学博士学位
[2] 2001.9——2007.3
华中农业大学 > Doctoral Degree in Agriculture > 农学博士学位
[3] 1997.9——2001.7
华中农业大学 > Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture > 农学学士学位

Work Experience

[1] 2007.3-Now

Research Focus

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