Du Kebing
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):Du Kebing
Name (English):Du Kebing
Name (Pinyin):dukebing
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:华中农业大学
Discipline:Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding
Other Contact Information:
Paper Publications
- 石林曌,倪天虹,裴云霞,余金金,张娟娟,舒常庆,周忠诚,杜克兵*(通讯作者).湖北省主栽油茶品种苗期抗寒性评价.经济林研究,2019,37(4):10-19.
- 裴云霞,曹健,杜克兵*(通讯作者),管兰华,张锐,蒋祥娥,蔡桁,倪天虹.贮藏温度对枫香种子耐贮性的影响.林业科学研究,2020,33(5):55-60.
- 裴云霞#,曹健#,安林辉,倪天虹,蒋祥娥,郭胜华,管兰华,杜克兵*(通讯作者).不同混交模式对楠木生长的影响.湖北民族大学学报(自然科学版),2021,39(1):1-5,10..
- 杜克兵,彭婵,赵天宇,黄国伟,马林江,张新叶*.滇楸优良无性系对水淹胁迫的生理响应及综合评价.中南林业科技大学学报,2021,41(6):1-10.
- 倪天虹#,赵天宇#,张新叶,杜克兵*(通讯作者),裴云霞,耿若楠,胡倩.梓树对淹水胁迫的适应性研究.江西农业大学学报,2021,43(3):610-620.
- 刘同,胡倩*,赵天宇,杜克兵,张锐,谷凤平,袁本强.鄂西北秃杉侧枝扦插试验.东北林业大学学报,2021,49(10):11-15,20.
- YanJie Peng, ZhiXiang Zhou, RuiGuan Tong, XingYi Hu, KeBing Du*(通讯作者). Anatomy and ultrastructure adaptations to soil flooding of two full-sib poplar clones differing in flood-tolerance. Flora, 2017, 233: 90-98.
- Wenxiu Xia#, Zheng’ang Xiao#, Pei Cao, Yan Zhang, Kebing Du*(共同通讯作者), Nian Wang*. Construction of a high‑density genetic map and its application for leaf shape QTL mapping in poplar. Planta, 2018, 248: 1173-1185.
- YanJie Peng, ZhiXiang Zhou, Zhe Zhang, XiaoLi Yu, XinYe Zhang, KeBing Du*(通讯作者). Molecular and physiological responses in roots of two full-sib poplars uncover mechanisms that contribute to differences in partial submergence tolerance. Scientific Reports, 2018, 8: 12829.
- Xiaoli Yu#, Xingyi Hu#, Yanjie Peng, Zhifang Wu, Qilin Zhang, Zhenfang Li, Chunmei Shi, Kebing Du*(通讯作者). Amplicon sequencing reveals different microbial communities in living poplar wetwood and sapwood. Trees-structure and function, 2019, 33: 851-865.