Du Kebing
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):Du Kebing
Name (English):Du Kebing
Name (Pinyin):dukebing
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:华中农业大学
Discipline:Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding
Other Contact Information:
Paper Publications
- Ping Zhang, Zhi-Qin Su, Lie Xu, Xue-Ping Shi, Ke-Bing Du, Bo Zheng, Yong-Jian Wang*. Effects of fragment traits, burial orientation and nutrient supply on survival and growth in Populus deltoides × P. simonii. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 21031.
- Qingyuan Li,Sheng Lei,Kebing Du, Lizhi Li, Xufeng Pang, Zhanchang Wang, Ming Wei, Shao Fu, Limin Hu, Lin Xu*. RNA-seq based transcriptomic analysis uncovers α-linolenic acid and jasmonic acid biosynthesis pathways respond to cold acclimation in Camellia japonica. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 36463.
- Tu Bingkun, Gavaland Andre, Du Kebing, Lu Xiaoshan. Le robinier en Chine. Forêt- entreprise, 2007, 177: 50-53.
- 杜克兵,许林,涂炳坤*,沈宝仙.淹水胁迫对2种杨树1年生苗叶片超微结构和光合特性的影响.林业科学,2010,46(6):58-64.
- 陈丽英,杜克兵*(通讯作者),姜法祥,彭言劼,涂炳坤,王翔.淹水胁迫对2种杨树初生根细胞结构的影响.林业科学,2015,51(3):163-169.
- 杜克兵,许林,涂炳坤*,沈宝仙,杨素丹,王瑞静,王瑞文.贮藏温度、含水量及干燥方法对黑杨派杨树种子耐贮性的影响.种子,2009,28(4):1-7.
- 杜克兵,许林,沈宝仙,涂炳坤*,苏应辉,谯四红,樊孝萍,荣新军,徐永钢,田元玲,张燃.黑杨派杨树杂交子代的遗传分析及苗期选择.华中农业大学学报,2009,28(5):624-630.
- 杜克兵,沈宝仙*,许林,涂炳坤,蔡崇法,戴渺鸿.不同贮藏条件下杨树花粉活力变化及隔年杂交授粉应用的可行性研究.华中农业大学学报,2007,26(3):385-389.
- 杜克兵,沈宝仙*.杨树抗虫基因工程研究的问题与对策.华中农业大学学报,2005, 24:167-172.
- 李俊英,陶慧,许林,杜克兵*(通讯作者),涂炳坤.大叶杨花粉离体萌发和贮藏条件的研究.上海交通大学学报(农业科学版),2011,29(2):94-98.