

- Xia, Rui; Zhang, Qiuyue; Deng, Xiaoyan*; Multiscale Gaussian convolution algorithm for estimate of Gaussian mixture model , Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2019, 48(23): 5889-5910.(SCI收录).
- Chen Xuan; Yuan Peipei; Deng Xiaoyan*; Watermelon ripeness detection by wavelet multiresolution decomposition of acoustic impulse response signals , Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2018, 142: 135-141.(SCI收录).
- Peipei Yuan; Hong Chen*; Yicong Zhou; Xiaoyan Deng*; Bin Zou; Gener alization ability of extreme learning machine with uniformly ergodic Markov chains , Neurocomputing, 2015, 167: 528-534. (SCI收录).
- Xiaoyan Deng; Hong Gao; A Multilevel Control Iterative Method for Nonlinear Partial Different Equations, Applied mathematics & information sciences, 2013,7:1499-1503 2013. (SCI收录).
- Xiaoyan Deng , Xu Li, Caixia Shu, Haidong Huang, and Qingxi Liao*. Mathematical model and optimization of structure and operating parameters of pneumatic precision metering device for rapeseed. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2010,8(3&4): 318-322.(SCI收录).
- Xiaoyan Deng, Qiaohua Wang, Hong Chen, Hong Xie. Eggshell Crack Detection using a Wavelet-Based Support Vector Machine. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 2010, 70(1):135-143.(SCI收录).
- Xien Liu, Mengjun Li, Yuanlun Shen, Xiaoyan Deng*. Support Vector Data Description for Weed /Corn Image Recognition. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2010,8(1):214-219. ( SCI收录).
- Xiaoyan Deng, Qingxi Liao. Parameter Estimation for Partial Differential Equations by Collage-Based Numerical Approximation. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2009,Vol.2009, 14 pages.(SCI收录).
- Xiaoyan Deng*, Helong Li, Xiaokun Chen. The Symbol Series Expression and Holder Exponent Estimates of Fractal Interpolation Function. Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications.2009,11(3),507-523. (SCI收录).
- Xiaoyan Deng*, Bangju Wang, Guangqin Long. The Picard contraction mapping method for the parameter inversion of reaction-diffusion systems. Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2008,56(9),2347–2355.(SCI收录).