Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):邓南燕
Name (Pinyin):dengnanyan
Academic Titles:英文期刊《Crop and Environment》责任编辑
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture
Business Address:植物科学技术学院第三综合楼
Teacher College:College of Plant Sciences & Technology
Discipline:Crop Cultivation and Farming System

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- 曹馨元,杜明利,王宇诚,陈欣华,陈佳欣,凌霄霞,黄见良,彭少兵,邓南燕*,2024.稻油系统周年产量差及形成因素探究:以湖北省武穴市为例[J/OL].作物学报1-16.http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.1809.S.20240125.1756.004.html..
- Wang, Y. #, Ling, X. #, Ma, C., Liu, C., Zhang, W., Huang, J., Peng, S., Deng, N. *, 2023. Can China get out of soy dilemma? A yield gap analysis of soybean in China. Agron. Sustain. Dev. 43, 47..
- Huang, J. #, Cao, X. #, Kuai, J., Cheng, H., Zuo, Q., Du, H., Peng, S., Huang, J. *, Deng, N.*, 2023. Evaluation of production capacity for rice-rapeseed cropping system in China. Field Crops Res. 293. .
- Ling, X., Deng, N., Xiong, D., Yuan, S., Peng, S., Li, T., Huang, J., 2023. Effect of variation in the observations on the prediction uncertainty in crop model simulation: Use ORYZA (v3) as a case study. Ecol. Model. 476..
- Wang, Y. #, Peng, S., Huang, J., Zhang, Y., Feng, L., Zhao, W., Qi, H., Zhou, G., Deng, N.*, 2022. Prospects for cotton self-sufficiency in China by closing yield gaps. Eur. J. Agron. 133..
- Yuan, S., Stuart, A.M., Laborte, A.G., Edreira, J.I.R., Dobermann, A., Kien, L.V.N., Thuy, L.T., Paothong, K., Traesang, P., Tint, K.M., San, S.S., Villafuerte, M.Q., Quicho, E.D., Pame, A.R.P., Then, R., Flor, R.J., Thon, N., Agus, F., Agustiani, N., Deng, N., Li, T., Grassini, P., 2022. Southeast Asia must narrow down the yield gap to continue to be a major rice bowl. Nature Food 3, 217-226..
- Huang, J., Yu, X., Zhang, Z., Peng, S., Liu, B., Tao, X., He, A., Deng, N., Zhou, Y., Cui, K., Wang, F., Huang, J., 2022. Exploration of feasible rice-based crop rotation systems to coordinate productivity, resource use efficiency and carbon footprint in central China. Eur. J. Agron. 141..
- Yu, X., Tao, X., Liao, J., Liu, S., Xu, L., Yuan, S., Zhang, Z., Wang, F., Deng, N., Huang, J., Peng, S., 2022. Predicting potential cultivation region and paddy area for ratoon rice production in China using Maxent model. Field Crops Res. 275..
- Andrade, J.F., Cassman, K.G., Rattalino Edreira, J.I., Agus, F., Bala, A., Deng, N., Grassini, P., 2021. Impact of urbanization trends on production of key staple crops. Ambio..
- Zhao, P., Zhou, Y., Li, F., Ling, X., Deng, N., Peng, S., Man, J., 2020. The Adaptability of APSIM-Wheat Model in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River Plain of China: A Case Study of Winter Wheat in Hubei Province. Agronomy 10..