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Lijun Chai

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):Lijun Chai
Name (English):Lijun Chai
Name (Pinyin):chailijun
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:华中农业大学
Other Contact Information:




        柴利军  中共党员果树系教工党支部书记男,19837月生,博士、教授、博士生导师。籍贯陕西府谷。国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目获得者(2021年);果蔬园艺作物种质创新与利用全国重点实验室副主任,湖北洪山实验室固定研究人员。20057月本科毕业于华中农业大学园艺系;2012年博士毕业于华中农业大学果树系,曾在英国伯明翰大学生物技术系进行合作研究;主持国家自然科学基金(优青、面上、青年)、国家重点研发计划课题及湖北省自然科学基金等项目10余项。以通讯作者在Nature PlantsPlant Biotechnology Journal、Plant CommunicationsPlant PhysiologyJournal of Experimental BotanyHorticulture Research等刊物发表论文20余篇,以第一完成人授权专利4项,参编外文专著1部,中文教材3部。

(一)通讯地址:430070 湖北省武汉市华中农业大学果蔬园艺作物种质创新与利用全国重点实验室




1. 植物组织培养 2. 园艺植物育种学(总论) 3. 园艺学实验实习 4. 学术道德规范教育


1. 柑橘学


果树学报》、华中农业大学学报》自然科学版青年编委;Frontiers in Plant Science》审稿编辑(Review editor);Plant Physiology》《Plant Journal》《Plant, Cell & EnvironmentHorticulture Research》《Plant and Cell Physiology》及《园艺学报》等审稿专家, 国际植物有性生殖学会(ICSPR)会员, 中国柑橘学会理事。




Research Interest & Highlight  Citrus Germplasm Resources & Sexual Reproduction:  Investigation, collection, evaluation and utilization of Citrus germplasm resources, Molecular mechanism of self-incompatibility in Citrus, Molecular mechanism of  parthenogenesis in Citrus.








华中农业大学狮山硕彦计划青年英才A2018-2020; 2020-2022




国家自然科学基金面上项目 (2021-2024)


国家自然科学基金面上项目 (2018-2021)

国家自然科学基金青年基金 (2014-2016)




湖北省自然科学基金一般面上 (2020-2022)



1. Liang Mei, Cao Zonghong, Zhu Andan, Liu Yuanlong, Tao Mengqin, Yang Huayan, Xu Jr Qiang, Wang Shaohua, Liu Junjie, Li Yongping, Chen Chuanwu, Xie Zongzhou, Deng Chongling, Ye Junli, Guo Wenwu, Xu Qiang, Xia Rui, Larkin RM, Deng Xiuxin, Bosch Maurice, Franklin-Tong Vernonica E, Chai Lijun* (2020) Evolution of self-compatibility by a mutant Sm-RNase in citrus. Nature Plants 6:131-142. (F1000推荐,高被引论文, Featured in Nature Plants by Sota Fujii & Seiji Takayama (2020) Expanding the RNase world. Nature Plants 6, 53–54.)

2. Hu Jianbing, Liu Chenchen, Du Zezhen, Guo Furong, Song Dan, Wang Nan, Wei Zhuangmin, Jiang Jingdong, Cao Zonghong, Shi Chunmei, Zhang Siqi, Zhu Chenqiao, Chen Peng, Robert M. Larkin, Lin Zongcheng, Xu Qiang, Ye Junli, Deng Xiuxin, Maurice Bosch, Vernonica E. Franklin-Tong, Chai Lijun* (2024) Transposable elements cause the loss of self-incompatibility in citrus. Plant Biotechnology Journal 22: 1113-1131.(封面)

3. Hu Jianbing*, Guo Furong, Du Zezhen, Chen Peng, Shi Chunmei, Zhang Jinzhi, Ye Junli, Deng Xiuxin, Robert M. Larkin, Jiao Wenbiao, Lin Zongcheng, Maurice Bosch, Chai Lijun* (2024) A rare inter-haplotypic recombination at the S-locus contributed to the loss of self-incompatibility in trifoliate orange. Plant Communications 7:100940.

4. Xu Qiang, Liu Chenchen, Zhang Zhezhong, Cao Zonghong, Liang Mei, Ye Changning, Lin Zongcheng, Deng Xiuxin, Ye Junli, Maurice Bosch, Chai Lijun* (2024) Myo-inositol oxygenase CgMIOX3 alleviates S-RNase-induced inhibition of incompatible pollen tubes in pummelo. Plant Physiology

5. Cao Zonghong, Song Dan, Hu Yu, Liang Mei, Xu Qiang, Wang Shaohua, Ye Junli, Xie Zongzhou, Deng Xiuxin, Chai Lijun* (2024) S-locus F-Box Protein as Pollen S determinant Targets Non-self S-RNase underlying the Self-Incompatibility in Citrus. Journal of Experimental Botany 13: 3891-3902.(封面)

6. Muhammad Husnain Ahmad, Muhammad Junaid Rao, Hu Jianbing, Xu Qiang, Liu Chenchen, Cao Zonghong, Robert M. Larkin, Deng Xiuxin, Maurice Bosch, Chai Lijun* (2022) Systems and breakdown of self-incompatibility. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 41(3): 209-239.

7. Hu Jianbing, Xu Qiang, Liu Chenchen, Liu Binghao, Deng Chongling, Chen Chuanwu, Wei Zhuangmin, Muhammad Husnain Ahmad,  Peng Kang, Wen Hao, Chen Xiangling, Chen Peng, Robert M. Larkin, Ye Junli, Deng Xiuxin, Chai Lijun* (2021) Downregulated expression of S2-RNase attenuates self-incompatibility in “Guiyou No. 1” pummelo. Horticulture Research 8:199.

8. Chai Lijun, Tudor RL, Poulter NS, Wilkins KA, Eaves DJ, Franklin FCH, Franklin-Tong VE* (2017) MAP Kinase PrMPK9-1 contributes to the Self-Incompatibility Response. Plant Physiology 174 (2) 1226-1237.

9. Liu Chenchen, Zheng Xin, Hu Jianbing, Xu Qiang, Wen Hao, Zhang Zhezhong, Liu Ran, Chen Xiangling, Xie Zongzhou, Ye Junli, Deng Xiuxin, Lijun Chai* (2024) Involvement of CgHSFB1 in the regulation of self-incompatibility in‘Shatian’pummelo. Plant Molecular Biology 114:77.

10. Muhammad Husnain Ahmad, Zheng Xin, Hu Yu, Liu Huimin, Sun Yi, Wen Hao, Chai Lijun* (2023) Determination of Self-(In)compatibility and Inter-(In)compatibility Relationships in Citrus Using Manual Pollination, Microscopy, and S-Genotype Analyses. Journal of Visualized Experiments 196: e65056. 

11. Cai Guanghua, Song Dan, Peng Kang, Hu Jianbing, Chen Peng Chen, Chen Chuanwu Chen, Ye Junli, Xie Zongzhou, Deng Xiuxin Deng, Chai Lijun* (2024) Identification of Citrus Self-incompatibility Genotypes (S-genotypes) and Discovery of Self2 compatible Mutants. Horticulture Advances 2: 20.

12. Zhang Siqi, Liang Mei, Wang Nan, Xu Qiang, Deng Xiuxin, Chai Lijun* (2018) Reproduction in woody perennial Citrus: an update on nucellar embryony and self-incompatibility. Plant Reproduction 31:43-57.

13. Liang Mei, Yang Wei, Su Shiying, Fu Lili, Yi Hualin, Chuanwu Chen, Deng Xiuxin, Chai Lijun* (2017) Genome-wide identification and functional analysis of S-RNase involved in the self-incompatibilityof citrus. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 292: 325-341.

14. Wang Xiaohua, Yin Wu, Wu Juxun, Chai Lijun*, Yi Hualin* (2016) Effects of exogenous abscisic acid on the expression of citrus fruit ripening-related genes and fruit ripening. Scientia Horticulturae 201:175-183.

15. Liang Mei, Yang Xiaoming, Li Hang, Su Shiying, Yi Hualin, Chai Lijun*, Deng Xiuxin (2015) De Novo Transcriptome Assembly of Pummelo and Molecular Marker Development. PLoS ONE 10(3):e0120615.

16. Li Hang, Yang Xiaoming, Zhu Lianshu, Yi Hualin, Chai Lijun*, Deng Xiuxin (2015) Parentage analysis of natural citrus hybrid ‘Zhelong Zhoupigan’ based on nuclear and chloroplast SSR markers. Scientia Horticulturae 186:24-30.13.

17. Chai Lijun, Ge Xiaoxia, Kumar Biswas Manosh, Xu Qiang, Deng Xiuxin* (2011) Self-sterility in the mutant ‘Zigui shatian’ pummelo (Citrus grandis Osbeck) is due to abnormal post-zygotic embryo development and not self-incompatibility. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 104:1-11.

18. 蒋靖东韦壮敏王楠朱晨桥叶俊丽谢宗周*邓秀新柴利军*(2023)金柑四倍体资源的发掘与鉴定。园艺学报 2023,50(1): 27-35.

19. 韦壮敏魏斯佳陈鹏胡健兵汤雨晴叶俊丽李先信邓秀新柴利军*(2022) 63份柚类资源S基因型鉴定园艺学报 49(5): 1111-1120

20. 韦壮敏,李蒙蒙,杨晓明,袁晓慧,叶俊丽,谢宗周,邓秀新,柴利军*(2020) 无核酸橙资源‘抛橘’的遗传鉴定。园艺学报 47(2):345-354.

21. 李昂,戴冬,赵立,韦壮敏,丁德宽,袁晓慧,叶俊丽,谢宗周,邓秀新,柴利军*(2019)基于胚抢救技术的枳雀×枳杂交群体创建及鉴定。果树学报 36(4):430-437.

22. 李航,杨晓明,丁德宽,王小丽,谢宗周,叶俊丽,彭抒昂,邓秀新,柴利军* (2018)基于cpSSR和nSSR标记的地方柑橘资源“枳雀”亲本分析。果树学报 35(10):265-274.







1. Book: The Citrus Genome (Springer) , Chapter: Genetic resources of Citrus and related genera

2. Book: The Citrus Genome (Springer) , Chapter: Citrus Reproductive Biology from Flowering to Fruiting


Educational Experience

[1] 2005.9——2012.6
华中农业大学 > Doctoral Degree in Agriculture > 农学博士学位
[2] 2001.9——2005.6
华中农业大学 > 学士 > 学士

Work Experience

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