

l Zhengming Yang, Zhidong Zou, Muhammad Asif Akhtar, Wenjuan Niu, Luna Ren, Shu Zhang, Nian Liu*, Hongliang Cao*, Synergistic effects of N-containing heterocyclic and Ca ligand structures on the phosphorus adsorption of N/Ca co-doped biochar, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024, 485, 144392.
l Xiangjie Liu, Xin Zhang, Khantaphong Charoenkal, Qiaoxia Yuan*, Hongliang Cao*, Hydrothermal bio-oil yield and higher heating value of high moisture and lipid biomass: Machine learning modeling and feature response behavior analysis, Journal of the Energy Institute, 2024, 117, 101859.
l Bo Deng, Junlong Luo, Chao Xu, Xin Zhang, Jun Li, Qiaoxia Yuan*, Hongliang Cao*, Biotransformation of Pb and As from sewage sludge and food waste by black soldier fly larvae: Migration mechanism of bacterial community and metalloregulatory protein scales, Water Research, 2024, 254, 121405.
l Bo Deng, Ziqi Liu, Ting Gong, Chao Xu, Xin Zhang, Hongliang Cao, Qiaoxia Yuan*, Addition of plantation waste to the bioconversion of pig manure by black soldier fly larvae: Effects on heavy metal content and bioavailability, Waste Management, 2024, 176, 64-73.
l Xin Zhang, Tan Zhou, Longyuan Yang, Ke Wu, Chao Xu, Panpan Wang, Bo Deng, Wenjuan Niu, Hongliang Cao, Qiaoxia Yuan*, Mechanism of the effect of temperature on the characteristics of microwave hydrothermal products of dead pig model compounds, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2024, 179, 106458.
l 曹红亮*,王盼,王卓超,杨争鸣,马家敏,徐洋,基于中红外光谱的生物炭表面碳氧基团快速定量预测[J]. 农业机械学报,2024.
l 袁巧霞,李恩光,刘宸,杨争鸣,徐洋,曹红亮*,基于DFT计算的氮氧改性生物炭氨氮吸附增强机制[J]. 农业机械学报,2024.
l 马家敏,王卓超,杨争鸣,牛文娟,曹红亮*,低温空气氧化生物炭吸附苯系污染物的作用机制[J]. 华中农业大学学报,2024,43(3):282-292.
l Bo Deng, Ting Gong, Chao Xu, Xin Zhang, Hongliang Cao, Qiaoxia Yuan*, The potential of black soldier fly larvae faeces and sludge residue as fertilizer under Cu and Cd stress, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 425, 138981.
l Qianhui Qin, Fei Zhong, Tao Song, Zhengming Yang, Peizhen Zhang, Hongliang Cao, Wenjuan Niu *, Zonglu Yao*, Optimization of multiscale structure and electrochemical properties of bamboo-based porous activated biochar by coordinated regulation of activation and air oxidation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 477, 146763.
l Jun Li, Chao Xu, Xin Zhang, Zhiyun Gu, Hongliang Cao, Qiaoxia Yuan, Effects of different fermentation synergistic chemical treatments on the performance of wheat straw as a nursery substrate, Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 334, 117486.
l Xiao Fu, Shuai Zhang, Xu Zhang, Yan Zhang, Bao xi Li, Keda Jin, Xingwei Feng, Juan Hong, Xiang Huang, Hongliang Cao, Qiaoxia Yuan, Ping Ai, Hongbo Yu*, Qiang Li*. Sustainable Microplastic Remediation with Record Capacity Unleashed via Surface Engineering of Natural Fungal Mycelium Framework. Advanced Functional Materials,2023, 33(27): 2212570.
l Jiamin Ma, Garg Ankit, Fei Zhong, Chuyi Li, Nian Liu, Wenjuan Niu*, Hongliang Cao*, Coupling behavior and enhancement mechanism of porous structure, graphite microcrystals, and oxygen-containing groups of activated biochar for the adsorption of phenol, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 2023, 9, 1944-1957.
l 徐洋,任奕林*,王浩杰,黄秋航,邢博源,曹红亮. 不同制备条件下油菜秸秆生物炭用作缓释载体的综合评价[J]. 浙江农业学报,2023,35(04):893-902.
l 马家敏,牛文娟,曹红亮*,低温空气氧化生物炭对苯系污染物的吸附机制[J]. 华中农业大学学报,2023.
l 牛文娟,邓继猛,冯雨欣,钟菲,李楚仪,吴可,曹红亮*. 不同温度下水稻秸秆多孔生物炭结构与电化学性能[J]. 农业工程学报,2022,38(02):231-240.
l Chuyi Li#, Yuxin Feng#, Fei Zhong, Jimeng Deng, Tianci Yu, Hongliang Cao*, Wenjuan Niu*, Optimization of microwave-assisted hydrothermal carbonization and potassium bicarbonate activation on the structure and electrochemical characteristics of crop straw-derived biochar, Journal of Energy Storage, 2022; 55: 105838.
l Xiao Fu, Ze Zheng, Zhimin Sha, Hongliang Cao, Qiaoxia Yuan, Hongbo Yu*, Qiang Li*. Biorefining Waste into Nano-biotechnologies Can Revolutionize Sustainable Agriculture. Trends in Biotechnology 2022, 40(12), 1503-1518.
l Sohrab Haghighi Mood, Michael Ayiania, Hongliang Cao, Oscar Marin-Flores, Yaime Jefferson Milan, Manuel Garcia-Perez, Nitrogen and magnesium Co-doped biochar for phosphate adsorption, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 2021; 3: 1-20.
l Hongliang Cao*, Yaime Jefferson Milan, Sohrab Haghighi Mood, Michael Ayiania, Shu Zhang, Xuzhong Gong, Electo Eduardo Silva Lora, Qiaoxia Yuan, Manuel Garcia-Perez, A novel elemental composition based prediction model for biochar aromaticity derived from machine learning, Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture, 2021; 5: 133-141.
l 吕敏,吴雪双, 刘俊怡,张书,林杉,曹红亮*, 牛粪炭吸附NH4+的动力学和热力学行为, 太阳能学报, 2020; 41(7):26-32.
l Hongliang Cao*, Xueshuang Wu, Syed Shatir A. Syed-Hassan, Shu Zhang, Sohrab Haghighi Mood, Yaime Jefferson Milan, Manuel Garcia-Perez, Characteristics and mechanisms of phosphorous adsorption by rape straw-derived biochar functionalized with calcium from eggshell, Bioresource Technology, 2020;318:124063.
l 刘凯, 袁巧霞*, 田园, 辛娅, 曹红亮, 分段式热解工艺2种高温模式下牛粪热解与气化产物特性, 太阳能学报, 2019; 40(07): 1980-1988.
l 张秀玲, 孙贇, 张水清, 岳克, 曹红亮, 林杉*, 生物质炭对华北平原4种典型土壤N2O排放的影响, 环境科学, 2019; 40(11): 5173-5181.
l Shaban G. Gouda, Zakia Hussein, Shuai Luo, Panpan Wang, Hongliang Cao, Qiaoxia Yuan*, Empirical models for estimating global solar radiation in Wuhan City, China. The European Physical Journal Plus, 2018, 133(12): 517.
l Ya Xin, Hongliang Cao*, Qiaoxia Yuan*, Dianlong Wang, Yulong Liu, Kinetic analysis of cattle manure pyrolysis process with a novel two-step method: pseudo-component model coupled with multi-peak Gaussian fitting, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 2018, 37(5): 1618-1625.
l Yao Zhu, Baojun Yi*, Qiaoxia Yuan, Hongliang Cao, Shuiping Yan, Combustion Characteristics of Cattle Manure and Pulverized Coal Co-firing under Oxy-Fuel Atmosphere in Non-Isothermal and Isothermal Conditions. BioResources, 2018, 13(3): 6465-6479.
l Baojun Yi*, Qiaoxia Yuan, Hongliang Cao, Ming Wang, Wenjuan Niu, Shuiping Yan, Combustion characteristics of densified cattle manure briquette in an isothermal condition. BioResources, 2018, 13 (2), 3571-3584.
l Longyuan Yang, Hongliang Cao*, Qiaoxia Yuan*, Shuai Luo, Zhigang Liu, Component optimization of dairy manure vermicompost, straw, and peat in seedling compressed substrates using simplex centroid design, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 2018, 68(3): 215-226.
l 杨龙元,袁巧霞*,刘志刚 ,曹红亮,罗帅,牛粪堆肥成型基质块蔬菜育苗灌溉方式,农业工程学报,2018,34(5):98-106.
l Ya Xin*, Dianlong Wang, XiangQian Li, QiaoxiaYuan, Hongliang Cao, Influence of moisture content on cattle manure char properties and its potential for hydrogen rich gas production. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2018, 130: 224-232.
l Shuanghong Li, Hongliang Cao*, Yupu Yang, Data-driven simultaneous fault diagnosis for solid oxide fuel cell system using multi-label pattern identification. Journal of Power Sources, 2018;378: 646-659.
l Baojun Yi*, Qiaoxia Yuan, Hongliang Cao, Wenjuan Niu, Ming Wang, Yao Zhu, Shuiping Yan, Effect of alkali and alkaline earth metal species on the combustion characteristics of cattle manures. RSC Advances 2018; 8: 11705 - 11713.
l 林嘉聪,刘志刚,邢行,罗帅, 袁巧霞*,曹红亮, 不同光照条件下蚯蚓避光性运动与蚓粪机械化分离参数量化, 农业工程学报,2018,34(2):235-241.
l 刘虎, 何涛, 辛娅, 刘玉龙, 曹红亮*, 袁巧霞, 基于响应面法的湿牛粪与稻草共热解产富氢燃气研究, 太阳能学报, 2018; 39 (7):1961-1970.
l 刘玉龙, 辛娅, 刘虎, 何涛, 曹红亮*, 袁巧霞, 牛粪及其半焦的热解动力学特性比较研究, 太阳能学报, 2018; 39 (6):1688-1695.
l Ya Xin, Hongliang Cao*, Qiaoxia Yuan*, Dianlong Wang, Two-step gasification of cattle manure for hydrogen-rich gas production: Effect of biochar preparation temperature and gasification temperature. Waste Management, 2017, 68: 618-625.
l Xinsong Yuan, Tao He, Hongliang Cao*, Qiaoxia Yuan*, Cattle manure pyrolysis process: kinetic and thermodynamic analysis with isoconversional methods, Renewable Energy, 2017;107: 489-496. (ESI高被引论文)
l 曹红亮,辛娅,袁巧霞*,刘凯,袁新松,湿牛粪催化热解制取富氢气体, 太阳能学报,2017; 38(7): 1996-2000.
l 袁嘉晨,曹红亮,李明来,何坪华*,秸秆资源回收发电的经济可行性测算:以湖北为例, 太阳能学报,2017; 38(7): 2012-2019.
l 林嘉聪, 刘志刚, 袁巧霞*, 曹红亮, 易宝军. 蚯蚓分离方法与设备的研究现状[J]. 中国农业科技导报,2017,19(2)103-109.
l Hongliang Cao, Ya Xin, Qiaoxia Yuan*, Prediction of biochar yield from cattle manure pyrolysis via least squares support vector machine intelligent approach, Bioresource Technology, 2016;202: 158-164.
l Hongliang Cao, Xi Li*, Thermal management oriented multivariable robust control of a kW scale solid oxide fuel cell stand-alone system, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2016; 31(2): 596-605.
l 辛娅, 曹红亮, 王殿龙, 袁巧霞*, 湿牛粪在固定床反应器内热解制富氢气体参数研究, 太阳能学报,2016; 37(10): 2675-2681.
l 杨龙元,袁巧霞*,刘志刚,曹红亮,罗帅.牛粪好氧和蚯蚓堆肥腐熟料成型基质块制备及育苗试验[J].农业工程学报,2016,32(24):226-233.
l 曹红亮*,李国强,黄思涵,李屹,刘园园,辛娅,袁巧霞, 基于等转化率法的牛粪热解动力学特性研究, 太阳能学报, 2015; 36 (7):1773-1778.
l 曹红亮, 杨龙元,袁巧霞*,黄长青, 稻草、玉米芯调理牛粪堆肥成型育苗基质试验, 农业机械学报, 2015; 46 (3): 197-202.
l 辛娅, 曹红亮, 王殿龙, 袁巧霞*, 杨瑛, 牛粪不同组分的热解特性研究, 农业机械学报, 2015; 46 (5): 190-195.
l Hongliang Cao, Ya Xin, Dianlong Wang, Qiaoxia Yuan*, Pyrolysis characteristics of cattle manures using a discrete distributed activation energy model, Bioresource Technology, 2014;172: 219-225.
l 曹红亮, 高勇, 辛娅, 杨龙元, 袁巧霞*, 添加生物质助燃物改善牛粪燃烧性能, 农业工程学报, 2014; 30 (18): 230-237.
l Hongliang Cao, Xi Li*, Zhonghua Deng*, Jian Li, Yi Qin, Thermal management oriented steady state analysis and optimization of a kW scale solid oxide fuel cell stand-alone system for maximum system efficiency, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013; 38(28): 12404-12417.
l Hongliang Cao, Xi Li*, Zhonghua Deng*, Jianhua Jiang, Jie Yang, Jian Li, Yi Qin, Dynamic modeling and experimental validation for the electrical coupling in a 5-cell solid oxide fuel cell stack in the perspective of thermal coupling, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2011; 36(7): 4409-4418.
l 曹红亮,李曦*,邓忠华,秦忆,面向控制的分数阶微分模型的快速数值计算方法,控制理论与应用,2011; 28(5): 715-721.
l Hongliang Cao, Zhonghua Deng*, Xi Li*, Jie Yang, Yi Qin, Dynamic modeling of electrical characteristics of solid oxide fuel cells using fractional derivatives, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2010, 35(4): 1749-1758.
l Zhonghua Deng, Hongliang Cao*, Xi Li*, Jianhua Jiang, Jie Yang, Yi Qin, Generalized predictive control for fractional order dynamic model of solid oxide fuel cell output power, Journal of Power Sources, 2010; 195(24): 8097-8103.
l 一种生物炭基保温保肥保水的盆栽装置及盆栽种植方法 (申请号 2024115819705;申请日:2024 年 11 月 07 日).发明人:曹红亮,徐天宇,郑勇,陆璐,高文,林杉,杨争鸣,安心悦,李强,袁巧霞
l 一种生物炭基蓄热节肥的盆栽种植方法(申请号: 2024115819673;申请日:2024 年 11 月 07 日).发明人:曹红亮,杨争鸣,郑勇,孙凯,安忠凤,徐天宇,李强,林杉,王卓超.
l 一种布料繁育收获一体化蚯蚓养殖设备及方法(申请号:CN202411171920.X;申请日:2024 年 08 月 26 日).发明人:曹红亮,徐洋,刘治福,袁巧霞,王洪昌,王昭阳,熊力,刘志伟,高阳.
l 一种适用于沼液浓缩的生物炭基太阳能蒸发器及其制备方法和应用(申请号:2024103497683;申请日:2024 年 3 月 26 日).发明人:曹红亮,杨争鸣,徐天宇,李强,安忠凤,林杉,王卓超,袁巧霞.
l 一种设有生物炭基土壤保肥保水投入品的盆栽装置及其使用方法(申请号:2024103735554;申请日:2024 年 03 月 29 日).发明人:曹红亮,徐天宇,郑勇,熊兴军,林杉,杨争鸣,李强,袁巧霞.
l 一种蚯蚓薄层养殖装置及方法(申请号:2024105453001;申请日:2024 年 05 月 06 日).发明人:曹红亮,徐洋,刘治福,王洪昌,熊力,王昭阳,刘志伟,袁巧霞.
l 一种废弃物链式炭化循环系统(申请号:201711078603.3;授权日:2024.07.16). 发明人:曹红亮,袁巧霞,林贵英,龚彦霖,吴乐知,高杰.
l 柑橘专用刺激响应型生物炭基微生物菌肥及制备方法(申请号:2023113663647;申请日:2023 年 10 月 20 日).发明人:曹红亮,徐天宇,郑勇,熊兴军,杨争鸣,王卓超,李强,袁巧霞.
l 组合型生物炭基微量元素缓释肥、制备方法及盆栽容器(申请号:2023113663666;申请日:2023 年 10 月 20 日).发明人:曹红亮,徐天宇,李强,杨争鸣,郑勇,沈瑶瑶,王卓超,袁巧霞.
l 一种木质纤维炭的制备方法及其在沼液处理中的应用(申请号:CN202310709007.X;申请日:2023-06-15).发明人:牛文娟,宋涛,袁巧霞,刘念,秦千惠,钱鹏举,王媛媛,曹红亮,艾平.
l 一种基于农业固废增值利用的环保缓释磷肥及其制备方法(申请号:202210534745.0;发文日:2022.08.12,授权日:已授权,证书在办).发明人:曹红亮,邹志东,张书,刘念,牛文娟,杨争鸣,任鲁娜,林杉.
l 一种炭基呕吐毒素吸附剂及其制备方法和应用(申请号:202211032067.4;发文日:2022.08.26).发明人:曹红亮,马家敏,孙铝辉,张书,牛文娟,张雷,刘念,林杉.
l 一种废弃物链式炭化循环系统(申请号:201711078603.3;发文日:2017.11.06). 发明人:曹红亮,袁巧霞,林贵英,龚彦霖,吴乐知,高杰.
l 一种综合资源再生多联产循环炉装置(申请号:201711080314.7;发文日:2017.11.06). 发明人:曹红亮、林贵英、袁巧霞、葛绪广、牛文娟、高杰.
l 一种自重螺旋渐进式生物质高效节能热解系统(申请号:CN201810932483.7;发文日:2018.08.16). 发明人:林贵英,曹红亮,王湖坤,葛绪广,吴超,汪薇.
l 农业废弃物低能耗的循环流化床炭化装置和方法(申请号:CN201710489746.7;发文日:2017.06.24). 发明人:易宝军,袁巧霞,曹红亮,牛文娟,晏水平,王明,梅道锋,刘志刚,张建国.
l 一种散体物料休止角的测定装置与测定方法(申请号:201711335830.X;发文日:2017.12.14). 发明人:袁巧霞,罗帅,曹红亮,易宝军,牛文娟,李巍峰,徐超.
l 一种综合废弃物再生能源多联产工艺系统(申请号:201711078600.X;发文日:2017.11.06). 发明人:林贵英,袁巧霞,曹红亮,王湖坤,易宝军,葛绪广.
l 用于蚯蚓堆肥的双行开沟布料机(申请号:201710328104.9;发文日:2017.11.07). 发明人:袁巧霞,曹红亮,邢行,林嘉聪,赵海涛,牛文娟,易宝军,王攀攀.
l 一种集约型生物质热解气化燃气净化装置(申请号:201610495224.3;发文日:2016.06.30).发明人:曹红亮,袁巧霞,易宝军,刘志刚,刘虎,辛娅,尹成龙.
l 蚓床畜禽粪添加设备(申请号:2016102080828;发文日:2016.04.06).发明人:刘志刚,袁巧霞,曹红亮,易宝军.
l 蚯蚓、蚓茧和蚓粪分离设备及其方法(申请号:2016105420658;发文日:2016.07.12).发明人:刘志刚,袁巧霞,林嘉聪,曹红亮,易宝军.
l 一种牛粪蚯蚓堆肥育苗基质块及其制备方法(申请号:201610163769.4,发文日:2016.03.23). 发明人:袁巧霞,杨龙元,刘志刚,罗帅,曹红亮,易宝军.
l 多功能分段式生物质热解装置(专利号:CN201510295443.2, 公告日:2015.09.16).发明人:袁巧霞,曹红亮,刘志刚,辛娅,罗帅,刘凯,吴可,袁新松.
l 有机育苗基质营养钵成型机(专利号:CN201510295445.1, 公告日:2015.09.16). 发明人:袁巧霞,罗帅,曹红亮,刘志刚,王永江,杨龙元,董鹏.
l 基于决策树的生物炭氨氮吸附性能预测模型软件,登记号:2022SR0952281,证书号:软著登字第9906480号,开发完成日期:2022年04月15日;
l 基于K最近邻算法的生物炭氨氮吸附性能预测模型软件,登记号:2022SR0916748,证书号:软著登字第9870947号,开发完成日期:2022年05月05日;
l 生物炭“源-构-效”三级数据库数字平台,登记号:2022SR1436155,证书号:软著登字第10390354号,开发完成日期:2022年06月10日,著作权人:曹红亮,刘宸,袁聪,牛文娟,刘念;
l 基于支持向量机的生物炭表面碳氧基团定量预测模型软件,登记号:2024SR1176883,证书号:软著登字第13580756号,开发完成日期:2024年08月13日;
l 基于Adaboost 的氮氧掺杂生物炭结构吸附氨氮构效模型软件,登记号:2024SR1175895,证书号:软著登字第13579768号,开发完成日期:2024年08月13日;
l 基于XGBoost的生物油高位热值预测模型软件软,登记号:2024SR1454030,证书号:软著登字第13857903号,开发完成日期:2024年09月29日;