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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):曹红亮
Name (Pinyin):Cao Hong Liang
Academic Titles:华中农业大学农业生物质增值化利用技术与装备创新中心副主任
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address:新工科楼G521
Alma Mater:华中科技大学
Teacher College:College of Engineering
Discipline:Agricultural Mechanization Engineering    Agricultural Biological Environment and Energy Engineering    Agricultural Electrification and Automation    
Other Contact Information:



Hongliang Cao, Male, 1982 Birth, PhD, Professor, Master and PhD Supervisor. Research interesting is in the field of Biomass Thermochemical Conversion, Biochar Structure Control and Engineering New Soil Amendment Products, and Machine Learning and Its Application. Editorial board members of international journals, e.g. “Trends in Artificial Intelligence”, “Journal of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering”. Adjunct Faculty of Washington State University (2018~2019, USA). Currently there are more than 30 published papers (Google Scholar is available at: and 13 Chinese patents; grants awarded are 9 items and total awards are more than 2,000,000 CNY.

You are greatly welcome to join into my group; the research in my program is dynamic and opportunities arise that may not make it to this web page. So please contact me and let me know your plans and interests. Address: B303, Engineering Building, College of Engineering, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China; Email:,

Educational Experience

[1] 2008.9——2012.11
华中科技大学 > Doctoral Degree in Engineering > 工学博士学位
[2] 2006.9——2008.6
华中科技大学 > 硕士 > 硕士
[3] 2002.9——2006.6
河北科技大学 > 学士 > 学士

Work Experience

[1] 2020.12-Now
华中农业大学工学院 > 教授


2018年12月-2020年01月 华盛顿州立大学 生物系统工程系 访问学者
[3] 2012.8-2015.12
华中农业大学工学院 > 讲师

Social Affiliations


1. 2015.08-至今,中国农业工程学会会员


2.2016.06-至今,国际期刊《Trends in Artificial Intelligence》编委


3.2016.12-2018.12,国际期刊《Journal of Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering》编委






6.2020.01-至今,国际期刊《Global Journal of Energy Technology Research Updates》编委