教师英文名称:Shuangxia Jin
教师拼音名称:Jin Shuangxia
职务:植物科学技术学院 院长
主要任职:Plant Biotechnology Journal 执行主编
其他任职:Genome Biology 编辑
学科:生物工程其他专业 生物化学与分子生物学 作物遗传育种


- Dheeraj Verma , Shuangxia Jin, Anderson Kanagaraj, Nameirakpam D. Singh1, Jaiyanth Daniel1, Pappachan E Kolattukudy1, Michael Miller2 and Henry Daniell1* Expression of Fungal Cutinase and Swollenin in Tobacco Chloroplasts Reveals Novel Enzyme Functions and/or Substrates. PLOS One, 2013;8(2):e57187 (影响因子:3.8).
- Guanze Liu, Xuelin Li, Shuangxia Jin, Xuyan Liu, Longfu Zhu, Yichun Nie, Xianlong Zhang.Overexpression of Rice NAC Gene SNAC1 Improves Drought and Salt Tolerance by Enhancing Root Development and Reducing Transpiration Rate in Transgenic Cotton. 2014. PLoS One,e86895 (影响因子:3.8).
- Wang Y, Jin S, Wang M, Zhu L, Zhang X (2013) Isolation and Characterization of a Conserved Domain in the Eremophyte H+-PPase Family. PLoS One 8(7): e70099. (影响因子:3.8).
- Shuangxia Jin, Xianlong Zhang, Henry Daniell. Pinellia ternata agglutinin expression in chloroplasts confers broad spectrum resistance against aphid, whitefly, lepidopteran insects, bacterial and viral pathogens. Plant Biotechnology Journal 2012,10(3):313-327. (影响因子:13.3 ).
- Jin SX, liu GZ, Zhu HG, Yang XY and Zhang XL.Transformation of Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) with gfp Gene as a Visual Marker. Journal of Integrative Agriculture,2012, 11(6):910-919. (影响因子:4.4 ).
- Liu G, Jin S, Liu X, Tan J, Yang X, Zhang X (2012) Overexpression of Arabidopsis cyclin D2;1 in cotton results in leaf curling and other plant architectural modifications. Plant Cell, Tissue Organ Cult 110(2):261273. (影响因子:2.72 ).
- Shuangxia Jin, Anderson Kanagaraj, Dheeraj Verma, Theo Lange, Henry Daniell.Release of Hormones from Conjugates: Chloroplast Expression of ß-glucosidase Results in Elevated Phytohormone Levels Associated with Significant Increase in Biomass and Protection from Aphids or Whiteflies Conferred by Sucrose Esters. Plant Physiology, 2011,155,222-235. (影响因子:8.0 ).
- Seung-Bum Lee, Baichuan Li, Shuangxia Jin and Henry Daniell.Expression and characterization of antimicrobial peptides Retrocyclin-101 and Protegrin-1 in chloroplasts to prevent sexual transmission of diseases. Plant Biotechnology Journal.20119.100-115. (影响因子:13.3 ).
- Verma D, Kanagaraj A, Jin SX, Singh N, Kolattukudy P, Daniell H. Chloroplast-derived enzyme cocktails hydrolyse lignocellulosic biomass and release fermentable sugars. Plant Biotechnology Journal,2010,8:332-350(影响因子:13.3 ) .
- Jin SX, Zhang XL, Zhu HG, Zhou ZL, Nie YC. Detection of somaclonal variation of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) through RAPD, SSR markers, cytogenetic and flow cytometer analysis. Plant Cell Reports, 2008,27:1303-1316. (影响因子:5.0 ) .