教师英文名称:Shuangxia Jin
教师拼音名称:Jin Shuangxia
职务:植物科学技术学院 院长
主要任职:Plant Biotechnology Journal 执行主编
其他任职:Genome Biology 编辑
学科:生物工程其他专业 生物化学与分子生物学 作物遗传育种


- Zhongping Xu , Jingwen Li , Xiaoping Guo , Shuangxia Jin*, Xianlong Zhang*.Metabolic engineering of cottonseed oil biosynthesis pathway via RNA interference. Scientific Reports, 2016, DOI: 10.1038/srep33342.(*通讯作者)(影响因子:5.0).
- Jianying Li#, Lizhen Zhu#, Joe Hull, Sijia Liang, Henry Daniell, Shuangxia Jin*, Xianlong Zhang. Transcriptome analysis reveals a comprehensive insect resistance response mechanism in cotton to infestation by the phloem feeding insect Bemisia tabaci (whitefly). Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2016,14,1956-1975 (SCI, IF:13.3)(通讯作者)(影响因子:13.3 ) .
- Qing Wang, Yi Zhu, Lin Sun, Lebin Li, Shuangxia Jin* and Xianlong Zhang.Transgenic Bt Cotton Driven by the Green Tissue-specific Promoter Shows Strong Toxicity to Lepidopteran pests and Lower Bt Toxin accumulation in seeds. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences, 2016, 59,2,172-182 (*通讯作者)(影响因子:10.4 ).
- Ping Luo, Yuxiao Shen, Shuangxia Jin, Shasha Huang, Xu Cheng, Zhen Wang, Penghui Li, Jian Zhao, Manzhu Bao, Guogui Ning.Overexpression of Rosa rugosa anthocyanidin reductase enhances tobacco tolerance to abiotic stress through increased ROS scavenging and modulation of ABA signaling. Plant Science, 2016,245,35–49. (影响因子:5.4 ).
- Shuangxia Jin and Henry Daniell.The Engineered Chloroplast Genome Just Got Smarter. Trends in Plant Science, 2015,20(10):622-640 (影响因子:22.0 ).
- Geng Tian, Linlin Cheng, Xuewei Qi, Zonghe Ge, Changying Niu, Xianlong Zhang, Shuangxia Jin*. Transgenic Cotton Plants Expressing Double-stranded RNAs Target HMG-CoA Reductase (HMGR) Gene Inhibits the Growth, Development and Survival of Cotton Bollworms. Int. J. Biol. Sci. 2015; 11(11):1296-1305. (*通讯作者)(影响因子:10.8 ) .
- Jin Shuanxia, Singh, Dolendro,Li Lebin,Zhang, Xianlong and Daniell, Henry. Engineered chloroplast dsRNA silences cytochrome p450 monooxygenase, V-ATPase and chitin synthases genes in the insect gut and disrupts Helicoverpa armigera larval development and pupation. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2015,13 (3), 435-446. (影响因子:13.3 ).
- Lebin Li, Yi Zhu, Shuangxia Jin*, Xianlong Zhang. Pyramiding. Bt genes for increasing resistance of cotton to two major lepidopteran Pests: Spodoptera litura and Heliothis armigera. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum,2014, 36 (10), 2717-2727 (通讯作者)(影响因子:2.74).
- Shuangxia Jin and Henry Daniell.Expression of γ-tocopherol methyltransferase in chloroplasts results in massive proliferation of the inner envelope membrane and decreases susceptibility to salt and metal-induced oxidative stress by reducing reactive oxygen species. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2014 (12),1274-1285 . (影响因子:13.3 ).
- KwangChul Kwon*,Dheeraj Verma*,Shuangxia Jin*,Henry Daniell.Export of proteins from chloroplasts induced by reactive oxygen species during biotic and abiotic stress. PLOS One, 2013,8(6): e67106. (*并列第一). (影响因子:3.8).