Zhixiang Zhou
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):Zhixiang Zhou
Name (English):Zhixiang Zhou
Name (Pinyin):zhou zhi xiang
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctoral degree
Business Address:华中农业大学园林楼
Alma Mater:华中农业大学
Discipline:Other specialties in Forestry Other specialties in Landscape Architecture Other specialties in Ecology
Other Contact Information:
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Paper Publications
- 黄春波,佃袁勇,周志翔,王娣,陈瑞冬. 基于时间序列统计特性的森林变化监测. 遥感学报, 2015,19(4): 657-668..
- 贾秀红,佃袁勇,胡动刚,胡云,周志翔*. 基于通径分析的纯林结构特征对土壤养分的影响研究. 西北林学院学报,2015,30(3): 1-7..
- 陈小平,黄佩,周志翔*,高翅. 绿色屋顶径流调控研究进展. 应用生态学报, 2015,14(8): 2581-2590..
- Hu JL, Zhou ZX*, Teng MJ. The spatiotemporal variation of ecological risk in the Lijiang River basin based on land use change. Journal of Bionanoscience, 2015,9:1-8I..
- Chen XP, Pei, TT Zhou ZX*, Teng MJ, He L, Luo M, Liu XX. Efficiency differences of three different roadside greenbelts in removing coarse particles (PM10): a street scale investigation in Wuhan, China. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2015,14(2): 354-360..
- Xie QJ, Zhou ZX*. Impact of urbanization on urban heat island effect based on TM imagery in Wuhan, China. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2015,14(3): 647-655..
- 肖慧玲,陈小平,另青艳,周志翔*. 园林植物滞尘能力分析及其叶面滞尘高光谱定量遥感模型. 长江流域资源与环境,2015,24 (Z1):229- 236..
- Wang Q, Guo R, Zhang CY, Zhou ZX, Hu HR*. Optimal photoperiod and floral transition of Eustoma grandiflorum 'Tiramisu Double Cream'. Scientia Horticulturae, 2014,175:121-127..
- 裴婷婷,陈小平,周志翔*. 2007-2011年武汉市空气污染物的时空分布特征. 环境科学导刊,2014,(2):43-47..
- 陈小平,焦奕雯,裴婷婷,周志翔*. 园林植物吸附细颗粒物(PM2.5)效应研究进展. 生态学杂志,2014,33(9):2558-2566..