Zhixiang Zhou
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):Zhixiang Zhou
Name (English):Zhixiang Zhou
Name (Pinyin):zhou zhi xiang
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctoral degree
Business Address:华中农业大学园林楼
Alma Mater:华中农业大学
Discipline:Other specialties in Forestry Other specialties in Landscape Architecture Other specialties in Ecology
Other Contact Information:
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Paper Publications
- Huang X, Huang CB, Teng MJ, Zhou ZX*, Wang PC. Net primary productivity of Pinus massoniana dependence on climate, soil and forest characteristics. Forests, 2020,11(4):404.
- 罗杰,周靖靖,梅莉,周志翔,王鹏程. 教育信息化背景下林学专业本科实践教学体系的重构. 中国林业教育,2020,38(3):11-13.
- Zeng YX, Zhou ZX*, Yan ZG, Teng MJ, Huang CB. Climate change and its attribution in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China. Sustainability,2019,11:7206.
- Ali A, Dai D, Akhtar K, Teng MJ, Yan ZG, Urbina-Cardona N, Mullerova J, Zhou ZX*. Response of understory vegetation, tree regeneration, and soil quality to manipulated stand density of Pinus massoniana plantation. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2019,20:e00775.
- Liu YY, Sun Y, Muller-Scharer H, Yan R, Zhou ZX, Wang YJ*, Yu FH. Do invasive alien plants response differ from non-invasives in dominance and nitrogen uptake to variation of abiotic and biotic environments under global anthropogenic change? Science of the total environment, 2019, 672:634-642..
- Chen D, Ali A, Yong XH, Lin CG, Niu XH, Cai AM, Dong BC, Zhou ZX, Wang YJ*, Yu FH. A multi-species comparison of selective placement patterns of ramets in invasive alien and native clonal plants to light, soil nutrient and water heterogeneity. Science of the Total Environment, 2019,657:1568-1577..
- Huang CB, Huang X, Peng CH, Zhou ZX*, Teng MJ, Wang PC. Land use/cover change in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, China: Reconciling the land use conflicts between development and protection. Catena, 2019,175:388-399..
- 彭楚才,佃袁勇,周志翔*,程维金,肖之炎,董炼,李新玉. 武汉环城林带质量评价及影响因素分析. 林业资源管理,2019,(6): 75-83.
- 黄鑫,郑夔荣,周志翔*,黄光体,孙林山. 湖北省马尾松林生态服务价值的空间分异特征. 林业调查规划,2019,44(5):84-90.
- 戴冬,彭楚才,黄鑫,郑夔荣,滕明君,周志翔*,孙林山. 鄂中地区马尾松人工林群落演替特征研究. 林业科学研究,2019,32(6): 48-55.