Zhixiang Zhou
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):Zhixiang Zhou
Name (English):Zhixiang Zhou
Name (Pinyin):zhou zhi xiang
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctoral degree
Business Address:华中农业大学园林楼
Alma Mater:华中农业大学
Discipline:Other specialties in Forestry Other specialties in Landscape Architecture Other specialties in Ecology
Other Contact Information:
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Paper Publications
- Xiang Y, Cen QY, Peng CC, Huang CB, Wu CG, Teng MJ, Zhou ZX*. Surface urban heat island mitigation network construction utilizing source-sink theory and local climate zones. Building and Environment, 2023,242:110717.
- 杜克兵,舒常庆,蔡月,周志翔,王鹏程. “新农科”视域下林学专业人才培养体系改革的探索.中国林业教育,2023,41(2):33-39.
- Ma BJ, Wu CG, Jia XH, Zhang Y, Zhou ZX*. Predicting water quality using partial least squares regression of land use and morphology (Danjiangkou Reservoir, China). Journal of Hydrology, 2023,624:129828.
- 赵千里,向松竹,任泽梅,胡茜茜,周志翔. 神农架国家植物园建设的优势、特色与功能定位探讨. 湖北林业科技,2023,52(2):67-70.
- Peng CC, Xiang Y, Chen LX, Zhang YY, Zhou ZX*. The impact of the type and abundance of urban blue space on house prices: a case study of eight megacities in China. Land, 2023,12(4):865.
- 佃袁勇,周靖靖,王鹏程,周志翔,滕明君. 多学科交叉融合的智慧林业人才培养模式初探—以华中农业大学为例. 农业科技与信息,2023,(2):172-176.
- 向炀,周志翔*. 蓝绿空间景观格局对城市热岛的影响. 中国园林,2203,39(1):105-110.
- Xiang Y, Tang YQ, Wang ZH, Peng CC, Huang CB, Dian YY, Teng MJ, Zhou ZX*. Seasonal variations of the relationship between spectral indexes and land surface temperature based on local climate zones: A study in three Yangtze River megacities. Remote Sensing, 2023,15(4):870.
- Liu YY,Yang QF,Li Z,Zhou ZX,Shi XP.Liu YY, Yang QF, Li Z, Zhou ZX, Shi XP, Wang YJ*. Parallel genetic and phenotypic differentiation of Erigeron annuus invasion in China. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, 13:994367.
- Xiang Y, Ye Y, Peng CC, Teng MJ, Zhou ZX*. Seasonal variations for combined effects of landscape metrics on land surface temperature (LST) and aerosol optical depth (AOD) in an urban agglomeration of central China. Ecological Indicators, 2022,138:108810.