Zhixiang Zhou
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):Zhixiang Zhou
Name (English):Zhixiang Zhou
Name (Pinyin):zhou zhi xiang
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctoral degree
Business Address:华中农业大学园林楼
Alma Mater:华中农业大学
Discipline:Other specialties in Forestry Other specialties in Landscape Architecture Other specialties in Ecology
Other Contact Information:
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Paper Publications
- 王月容,卢琦,周金星*,周志翔. 洞庭湖退田还湖区不同土地利用方式下土壤重金属分布特征. 华中农业大学学报,2011,30(6): 734-739..
- 董冬,周志翔*,何云核,李罡. 安徽省九华山风景区古树群落景观美学评价研究. 生态学杂志, 2011,30(8):1786-1792..
- Wu CG, Zhou ZX*, Xiao WF, Wang PC, Teng MJ, Huang ZL. Estimation of soil erosion in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area of China using RUSLE, remote sensing and GIS. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 2011,9(2): 723-729..
- 赵 静,吴昌广,周志翔*,肖文发,罗 翀. 三峡库区1988-2007年植被覆盖动态变化研究. 长江流域资源与环境, 2011,20(Z1): 30-38..
- 马浩,周志翔*,吴昌广,魏合义,刘学全,唐万鹏. GIS支持下的浠水县林地适宜性评价及林种结构调整研究. 中国水土保持,2011, (3):44-47..
- 王凤珍,周志翔*,郑忠明. 城郊过渡带湖泊湿地生态服务功能价值评估——以武汉市严东湖为例. 生态学报,2011,31(7):1946 -1954..
- 杨玉萍,周志翔*,高凯,贾若. 城市居民对城市近自然园林的态度——以武汉市洪山区为例. 应用生态学报, 2011,22(7):1849-1856.
- Xie QJ, Zhou ZX*, Chen F. Quatifying the beneficial effect of different plant species in air quality improvement. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2011, 10(7):959-963..
- 董 冬,周志翔*,何云核,李罡,陈小平. 基于游客支付意愿的古树名木资源保护经济价值评估——以安徽省九华山风景区为例. 长江流域资源与环境,2011,20(11):1334-1340..
- Xie QJ, Zhou ZX*, Ding F, Peng L, Teng MJ, Wu CG. A fieldwork study on diurnal cooling effect of green space with different vertical configuration. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE), IEEE 2011: 1-4..