

- Liu Guanglong, Liao Shuijiao, Zhu Duanwei*, Cui Jingzhen, Zhou Wenbing. Solid-phase photocatalytic degradation of polyethylene film with manganese oxide OMS-2. Solid State Sciences, 2011, 13(1): 88-94 (SCI, IF2010: 1.828).
- Yuan Tan, Hua Yumei*, Zhu Duanwei, Zhou Wenbing, Zhao Jianwei. Response of internal phosphorus transformation in lake sediments to different sulfate concentrations. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 2011, 20(8): 1895-1903 (SCI, IF2010: 0.716).
- 武少伟, 朱端卫, 周文兵*, 邓丽. 铁锰硅对凤眼莲生物质结构的影响,光谱学与光谱分析,2011, 31(4): 1087-1091 (SCI, IF: 0.385).
- Zhou Wenbing, Ge Xuan, Zhu Duanwei*, Langdon Alan, Deng Li, Hua Yumei, Zhao Jianwei. Metal adsorption by quasi cellulose xanthogenates derived from aquatic and terrestrial plant materials. Bioresource Technology. 2011, 102(3): 3629-3631 (SCI, IF: 4.98).
- Deng Li, Geng Mingjian, Zhu Duanwei, Zhou Wenbing*, Langdon Alan, Wu Hongwei, Yu Yun, Zhu Zhenxiang, Wang Yanyan. Effect of chemical and biological degumming on the adsorption of heavy metal by cellulose xanthogenates prepared from Eichhornia crassipes. Bioresource Technology. 2012,107, 41-45 (SCI, IF: 4.75).
- 吴红艳, 程东升, 周文兵*, 胡晓波, 葛晓东, 朱端卫. 基于地统计学插值方法的洪湖水质时空状况分析. 华中农业大学学报, 2013, 32(3): 82-87.
- Zhou Wenbing, Yu Yun, Liu Dawei, Wu Hongwei*. Rapid recovery of fermentable sugars for biofuel production from enzymatic hydrolysis of microcrystalline cellulose by hot-compressed water pretreatment. Energy & Fuels, 2013, 27(8): 4777-4784(SCI, IF: 2.733).
- Liu Xueqin, Deng Li, Zhou Wenbing*, Zhu Duanwei, Wu Hongwei. Stability of cellulose xanthogenates of various metals. Environment and Sustainability, WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, 2014, 154, 113-120.
- Wang Yanyan, Zhou Wenbing*, Wu Hongwei, Yu Yun, Li Li, Yuan Yu, Hua Yumei, Zhu Duanwei. Effect of harvest time on the composition, structural characteristics and enzymatic hydrolysis performance of Eichhornia crassipes biomass. Environment and Sustainability, WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, 2014, 154, 103-111.
- Li Li, Zhou Wenbing*, Wu Hongwei, Yu Yun, Liu Fen, Zhu Duanwei. Relationship between crystallinity index and enzymatic hydrolysis performance of celluloses separated from aquatic and terrestrial plant materials. Bioresources, 2014, 9(3): 3993-4005. (SCI, IF: 1.425).