Jie Zhang
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):Jie Zhang
Name (English):Jie Zhang
Name (Pinyin):zhangjie
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address:园林北楼420办公室
Alma Mater:北京林业大学


Kai Zhao,Weiru Yang,Yuzhen Zhou,Jie Zhang,Yushu Li,Sagheer Ahmad,Qixiang Zhang*,Comparative Transcriptome Reveals Benzenoid Biosynthesis Regulation as Inducer of Floral Scent in the Woody Plant Prunus mume,Frontiers in Plant Science.
Release time:2020-12-22 Hits:
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:J. Zhang,Q.X. Zhang*,W.R. Yang,T.R. Cheng,H.T. Pan,Cloning and bioinformatic anslysis of ERF response factor gene from Prunus mume,International Conference on Germplasm of Ornamentals,中国北京,2013.8.7-2013.8.11.
Next One:Lidan Sun,Weiru Yang,Qixiang Zhang*,Tangren Cheng,Huitang Pan,Zongda Xu,Jie Zhang,Guangyi Fan,Genome-Wide Characterization and Linkage Mapping of Simple Sequence Repeats in Mei (Prunus mume Sieb. etZucc.),PLos One,2013.3.28,8(3):e59562.