Name (Simplified Chinese):张红雨
Name (Pinyin):Zhang hongyu
Administrative Position:信息学院院长
Business Address:逸夫楼C512
Alma Mater:中国科学院生物物理研究所
Teacher College:College of Informatics

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Quan Y., Wang Z.-Y., Chu X.-Y., Zhang H.-Y.* (2018) Evolutionary and genetic features of drug targets. Med. Res. Rev. 38: 1536-1549.
Release time:2021-04-30 Hits:
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:Tian T., Chu X.-Y., Yang Y., Zhang X., Liu Y.-M., Gao J., Ma B.-G., Zhang H.-Y.* (2019) Phosphates as energy sources to expand metabolic networks. Life 9: 43.
Next One:Xie T., Yang Q.-Y., Wang X.-T., McLysaght A.*, Zhang H.-Y.* (2016) Spatial colocalization of human ohnolog pairs acts to maintain dosage-balance. Mol. Biol. Evol. 33: 2368-2375.