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教师英文名称:Fan Zhang
教师拼音名称:Zhang Fan






张帆,中共党员,博士,教授,博士生导师。2019年入选国家海外高层次人才引进计划湖北省百人计划2007年和2010年分别获得华中农业大学学士学位和硕士学位,2014年获得中国科学院植物研究所博士学位,导师为林荣呈研究员。20142018年在美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校乔红教授(Prof. Hong Qiao)实验室从事博士后研究,系统解析了植物激素乙烯在表观遗传学水平和转录后水平调控植物生长发育的分子机制。2018年至今任华中农业大学果蔬园艺作物种质创新与利用全国重点实验室和湖北洪山实验室固定研究人员,主要从事鲜切花采后衰老的分子机制研究。以通讯作者和第一作者在Nature CommunicationsPNAS2篇)、Plant CellNew PhytologistPlant Biotechnology JournalPlant PhysiologyPlant Journal3篇)、PLoS GeneticsJournal of Experimental BotanyPostharvest Biology and TechnologySmall MethodsOrnamental Plant Research2篇)和园艺学报等主流学术期刊上发表论文十余篇,两篇论文入选ESI高被引论文,研究成果受到全球著名科研文献评级机构Faculty of 1000F1000)评述推荐,并被Nature PlantsPlant CellPlant Physiology期刊选为亮点文章进行介绍。以第一制定人制定湖北省地方标准一项,以第一发明人申请发明专利四项。担任中国园艺学会青年分会理事、中国植物学会智能植物工厂分会委员、全国园艺作物成熟衰老调控与采后生物学青年学术委员会成员、湖北省园艺学会理事和三明市沙县区特色花卉产业发展顾问;担任Ornamental Plant Research期刊副主编、Postharvest Biology and Technology期刊客座编辑、Plant Hormones期刊青年编委和《保鲜与加工》期刊青年编委;担任New PhytologistPlant PhysiologyPlant JournalJournal of Integrative Plant BiologyMolecular HorticultureJournal of Experimental BotanyPostharvest Biology and Technology等期刊审稿专家,累计审稿五十余篇;担任国家青年人才项目评审专家、职称评审同行评审专家、教育部博士、硕士学位论文评阅专家;入选中国植物学会高级会员和中国园艺学会会员。多次受邀在国际园艺研究大会和中国园艺学会学术年会等重要国际和国内学术会议上作报告。曾荣获中国科学院院长优秀奖、博士研究生国家奖学金、中国科学院大学三好学生和优秀毕业生等光荣称号,博士论文被评为中国科学院优秀博士学位论文。近五年关于乙烯调控康乃馨鲜切花采后衰老的分子机制取得了系列重要研究进展,相关研究成果以通讯作者陆续发表在New PhytologistPlant Biotechnology JournalPlant PhysiologyPlant Journal3篇)、Journal of Experimental BotanyPostharvest Biology and TechnologyOrnamental Plant Research2篇)和园艺学报等主流学术期刊上,研究成果入选2022-2023年度中国园艺作物采后研究十大进展,荣获华中农业大学科学研究优秀成果奖(青年探索奖),并被写入《观赏植物遗传育种学》“十四五”研究生规划教材,同时被科技日报等国内主流媒体进行报道。



1. Shan Feng#, Xinyu Jiang#, Zhiheng Huang#, Fan Li#, Ruiming Wang, Xinyi Yuan, Zheng Sun, Hualiang Tan, Linlin Zhong, Shenchong Li, Yunjiang Cheng, Manzhu Bao, Hong Qiao, Qingxin Song*, Jihua Wang*, Fan Zhang*. (2024) DNA methylation remodeled amino acids biosynthesis regulates flower senescence in carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus). New Phytologist 241: 1605-1620.

2. Zheng Sun, Manman Wu, Siqi Wang, Shan Feng, Yan Wang, Teng Wang, Chunlin Zhu, Xinyu Jiang, Hongya Wang, Ruiming Wang, Xinyi Yuan, Menglu Wang, Linlin Zhong, Yunjiang Cheng, Manzhu Bao, Fan Zhang*. (2023) An insertion of transposon in DcNAP inverted its function in the ethylene pathway to delay petal senescence in carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.). Plant Biotechnology Journal 21: 2307-2321.

3. Shan Feng, Xinyu Jiang, Ruiming Wang, Hualiang Tan, Linlin Zhong, Yunjiang Cheng, Manzhu Bao, Hong Qiao, Fan Zhang*. (2023) Histone H3K4 methyltransferase DcATX1 promotes ethylene induced petal senescence in carnation. Plant Physiology 192: 546-564. (ESI高被引论文;Plant Physiology亮点介绍文章)

4. Teng Wang#, Zheng Sun#, Siqi Wang, Shan Feng, Ruiming Wang, Chunlin Zhu, Linlin Zhong, Yunjiang Cheng, Manzhu Bao, Fan Zhang*. (2023) DcWRKY33 promotes petal senescence in carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) by activating genes involved in the biosynthesis of ethylene and abscisic acid and accumulation of reactive oxygen species. Plant Journal 113: 698-715. (ESI高被引论文)

5. Chunlin Zhu#, Zhiheng Huang#, Zheng Sun, Shan Feng, Siqi Wang, Teng Wang, Xinyi Yuan, Linlin Zhong, Yunjiang Cheng, Manzhu Bao, Fan Zhang*. (2023) The mutual regulation between DcEBF1/2 and DcEIL3-1 is involved in ethylene induced petal senescence in carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.). Plant Journal 114: 636-650.

6. Han Xu, Dan Luo, Fan Zhang*. (2021) DcWRKY75 promotes ethylene induced petal senescence in carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.). Plant Journal 108: 1473-1492.

7. Han Xu#, Siqi Wang#, Robert M. Larkin, Fan Zhang*. (2022) The transcription factors DcHB30 and DcWRKY75 antagonistically regulate ethylene-induced petal senescence in carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus). Journal of Experimental Botany 73: 7326-7343.

8. Siqi Wang#, Han Xu#, Fan Zhang*. (2024) DcEIL3-1, DcWRKY75 and DcHB30 transcription factors form an activation-inhibition module to regulate petal senescence in carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.). Postharvest Biology and Technology 210: 112743.

9. Min Wang#, Man Wang#, Chenyu Ni#, Shan Feng, Yan Wang, Linlin Zhong, Yunjiang Cheng, Manzhu Bao, Fan Zhang*. (2024) Differences in ethylene sensitivity, expression of ethylene biosynthetic genes and vase life among carnation varieties. Ornamental Plant Research 4: e004.

10. Man Wang, Chenyu Ni, Ruiming Wang, Linlin Zhong, Yunjiang Cheng, Manzhu Bao, Fan Zhang*. (2023) Variation in longevity of cut and in planta flowers of potted carnation varieties affected by their relationship with ethylene and water. Ornamental Plant Research 3: 2.

11. 王妍,孙政,冯珊,袁心怡,仲林林,曾云流,傅小鹏,程运江,包满珠,张帆*. (2022) 香石竹DcERF-1转录因子对切花衰老的负调控作用. 园艺学报 49: 1313-1326.

12. Likai Wang#, Fan Zhang#, Hong Qiao*. (2020) Chromatin Regulation in the Response of Ethylene: Nuclear Events in Ethylene Signaling. Small Methods 4: 1900288.

13. Fan Zhang, Likai Wang, Eun Esther Ko, Kevin Shao, Hong Qiao*. (2018) Histone Deacetylases SRT1 and SRT2 Interact with ENAP1 to Mediate Ethylene-Induced Transcriptional Repression. Plant Cell 30: 153-166. (Plant Cell亮点介绍文章)

14. Fan Zhang#, Likai Wang#, Bin Qi, Bo Zhao, Eun Esther Ko, Nathaniel D. Riggan, Kevin Chin, Hong Qiao*. (2017) EIN2 mediates direct regulation of histone acetylation in the ethylene response. PNAS 114: 10274-10279. (Nature Plants亮点介绍文章)

15. Fan Zhang#, Bin Qi#, Likai Wang#, Bo Zhao, Siddharth Rode, Nathaniel D. Riggan, Joseph R. Ecker, Hong Qiao*. (2016) EIN2-dependent regulation of acetylation of histone H3K14 and non-canonical histone H3K23 in ethylene signalling. Nature Communications 7: 13018. (F1000推荐文章;Nature Plants亮点介绍文章)

16. Fan Zhang, Likai Wang, Jae Yun Lim, Taewook Kim, Youngjae Pyo, Sibum Sung, Chanseok Shin, Hong Qiao*. (2016) Phosphorylation of CBP20 Links MicroRNA to Root Growth in the Ethylene Response. PLoS Genetics 12: e1006437.

17. Fan Zhang, Weijiang Tang, Boris Hedtke, Linlin Zhong, Lin Liu, Lianwei Peng, Congming Lu, Bernhard Grimm, Rongcheng Lin*. (2014) Tetrapyrrole biosynthetic enzyme protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase 1 is required for plastid RNA editing. PNAS 111: 2023-2028.


[1] 2010.9——2014.6
中国科学院植物研究所 > 发育生物学 > 理学博士学位
[2] 2007.9——2010.6
华中农业大学园艺林学学院 > 植物学 > 理学硕士学位
[3] 2003.9——2007.6
华中农业大学生命科学技术学院 > 生物学基地班 > 理学学士学位


[1] 2018.9-至今
园艺林学学院 > 园林系 > 教工党支部书记 > 教授
[2] 2014.5-2018.9
美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 > 细胞与分子生物学系 > 博士后













Ornamental Plant Research期刊副主编


Postharvest Biology and Technology期刊客座编辑


Plant Hormones期刊青年编委

