Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):袁珅
Name (Pinyin):Yuan Shen
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:农学博士学位
Business Address:植科院第三综合楼A308
Alma Mater:华中农业大学
Teacher College:College of Plant Sciences & Technology
Discipline:Crop Cultivation and Farming System


3. Yuan S, Linquist BA, Wilson LT, Cassman KG, Stuart AM, Pede V, Miro B, Saito K, Agustiani N, Aristya VE, Krisnadi LY. Zanon AJ, Heinemann AB, Carracelas C, Subash N, Brahmanand PS, Li T, Peng S*, Grassini P*. 2021. Sustainable intensification for a larger global rice bowl. Nature Communications, 12: 7163.
Release time:2022-10-30 Hits:
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:4. Yuan S, Zhan X, Xu L, Ling X, Peng S*. 2021. Increase energy use efficiency and economic benefit with reduced environmental footprint in rice production of central China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29: 7382-7392.
Next One:2. Yuan S, Stuart A, Laborte A, Edreira JR, Dobermann A, Thúy LT, Paothong K, Traesang P, Myo TK, Villafuerte II M, Quicho E, Pame A, Then R, Flor R, Thon N, Agus F, Agustiani N, Deng N, Li T, Grassini P*. 2022. Southeast Asia must narrow down the yield gap to continue to be a major rice bowl. Nature Food, 3: 217-226.