Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):阴伟晓
Name (Pinyin):yinweixiao
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Agriculture
Business Address:植病楼(分子楼)
Alma Mater:南京农业大学
Teacher College:College of Plant Sciences & Technology
Discipline:Plant Pathology
Other Contact Information:
Paper Publications
Wang, Y., Wang, F., Xie, S., Liu, Y., Qu, J., Huang, J., Yin, W. *, and Luo, C. 2019. Development of rice conidiation media for Ustilaginoidea virens. PLOS ONE 14:e0217667. (通讯作者)
Release time:2022-05-16 Hits:
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:刘月冉, 孙庚, 屈劲松, 王毓富, 阴伟晓*, 罗朝喜. 稻曲病菌SIX效应蛋白参与调控植物免疫. 植物保护学报. 2022; 49:1004-12. (通讯作者)
Next One:Xie, S.#, Wang, Y. #, Wei, W., Lin, Y., Yin, W.*, and Luo, C. 2019. Development of novel methods for functional evaluation of the signal peptide of secreted protein. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 106:182-186. (通讯作者)