Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):尹昌喜
Name (Pinyin):Yin Changxi
Business Address:三综A203
Alma Mater:南京农业大学
Teacher College:College of Plant Sciences & Technology
Discipline:Crop Cultivation and Farming System
Other Contact Information:
Paper Publications
2. Changxi Yin, Lijun Gan, Denny NG, Xie Zhou, Kai Xia (2007) Decreased panicle-derived indole-3-acetic acid reduces gibberellin A1 level in the uppermost internode, causing panicle enclosure in male sterile rice Zhenshan 97A. Journal of Experimental Botany 58:2441–2449.(SCI)
Release time:2021-06-10 Hits:
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:3. 尹昌喜*, 汪献芳,曾汉来, 夏凯 (2009)生长素对植物茎伸长的调控作用. 植物生理学通讯, 45(5): 503–508. (* 通讯作者)
Next One:1.Anding Luo#, Qian Qian#, Hengfu Yin#, Xiaoqiang Liu, Changxi Yin, Ying Lan, Jiuyou Tang, Zuoshun Tang, Shouyun Cao, Xiujie Wang, Kai Xia, Xiangdong Fu, Da Luo*, Chengcai Chu*(2006)EUI1, Encoding a Putative Cytochrome P450 Monooxygenase, Regulates Internode Elongation by Modulating Gibberellin Responses in Rice. Plant and Cell Physiology 47(2):181-191. (#共同第一作者;* 通讯作者). (SCI)