Zhaogui Yan
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):Zhaogui Yan
Name (English):Zhaogui Yan
Name (Pinyin):yanzhaogui
Professional Title:Professor
Alma Mater:澳大利亚费林德斯大学
Other Contact Information:
Paper Publications
- Wang, P., M. Teng, W. He, C. Tang, J. Yang,Z. Yan*(2018). Using habitat selection index for reserve planning and management for snub-nosed golden monkeys at landscape scale. Ecological Indicators,93, 838-846..
- Zeng L., W. He, M. Teng, X. Luo,Z.Yan,Z. Huang, Z. Zhou, P. Wang, W. Xiao. (2018). Effects of mixed leaf litter from predominant afforestation tree species on decomposition rates in the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Science of the Total Environment, 639, 679-686.
- 王鹏程、杨敬元、滕明君、晏召贵、朱兆泉、汪正祥、周志翔、何伟、王永健、穆俊明、杨万吉. 2018.神农架川金丝猴退化生境诊断技术规程.湖北省地方标准.
- 王鹏程、杨敬元、汪正祥、朱兆泉、滕明君、何伟、张瑜、晏召贵、穆俊明、周志翔、余辉亮. 2018.神农架川金丝猴退化生境恢复技术规程.湖北省地方标准. 2018.
- 滕明君、王鹏程、杨敬元、朱兆泉、汪正祥、张瑜、何伟、王永健、王丽、晏召贵、杨万吉.2018.神农架川金丝猴生境破碎化诊断技术规程.湖北省地方标准.
- 王鹏程、杨敬元、汪正祥、朱兆泉、滕明君、何伟、张瑜、周志翔、晏召贵、王丽、姚辉、杨万吉. 2018.神农架川金丝猴生境廊道规划与建造技术规程.湖北省地方标准..
- Ei-Amhir, S., B. Lamont, T. He*,G. Yan*. (2017). Small-seeded Hakea species tolerate cotyledon loss better than large-seeded congeners.Scientific Reports, DOI: 10.1038/srep41520..
- Teng M., Zeng L., Xiao W., Huang Z., Zhou Z.,Yan Z., Wang P. (2017). Spatial variability of soil organic carbon in Three Gorges Reservoir area, China.Science of Total the Environment,599, 1308–1316..
- Xu, Y., Jia, Q., Zhou, G., Zhang, X. Q., Angessa, T., Broughton, S,Yan Z. & C. Li* (2017). Characterization of the sdw1 semi-dwarf gene in barley.BMC Plant Biology,17(1), 11..
- 王鹏程,滕明君,穆俊明,胡文杰,杨敬元,晏召贵(*)(2017).神农架自然保护区川金丝猴退化生境特征及恢复技术.华中农业大学学报,36, 1-9..