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- Identification and multiple comparisons of QTL and epistatic interaction conferring high yield under boron and phosphorus deprivation in Brassica napus.EUPHYTICA,2014,
- Physiological and genetic responses to boron deficiency in Brassica napus: A review.SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION,2014,
- Identification and characterization of improved nitrogen efficiency in interspecific hybridized new-type Brassica napus.ANNALS OF BOTANY,2014,
- Proteomic and comparative genomic analysis reveals adaptability of Brassica napus to phosphorus-deficient stress.JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS,2015,
- Yingpeng Hua, Didi Zhang, Ting Zhou, Mincgliang He, Guangda Ding, Lei Shi, Fangsen Xu*. Transcriptomics-assisted quantitative trait locus fine mapping for the rapid identification of a nodulin 26-like intrinsic protein gene regulating boron efficiency in allotetraploid rapeseed. Plant, Cell and Environment, 2016, 39(7): 1601-1618.
- Yingpeng Hua, Ting Zhou, Guangda Ding, Qingyong Yang, Lei Shi, Fangsen Xu*. Physiological, genomic and transcriptional diversity in responses to boron deficiency in rapeseed genotypes. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2016, 67 (19): 5769-5784.
- Ting Zhou, Yingpeng Hua, Yupu Huang, Lei Shi, Fangsen Xu*. Physiological and transcriptional analyses reveal differential phytohormone responses to boron deficiency in Brassica napus genotypes with contrasting boron efficiency. Frontiers in Plant Science, session Plant Nutrition, 2016, 7: 221.
- Shuisen Chen, Ying Luo, Guangda Ding, Fangsen Xu*. Comparative analysis of Brassica napus plasma membrane proteins under phosphorus deficiency using label-free and MaxQuant-based proteomics approaches. Journal of Proteomics, 2016, 133:144-154.
- Pan Yuan, Guangda Ding, Hongmei Cai, Kemo Jin, Martin Broadley, Fangsen Xu, Lei Shi*. A novel Brassica-rhizotron system to unravel the dynamic changes in root system architecture of oilseed rape under phosphorus deficiency. Annals of Botany, 2016, 118(2):173-84.