Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):徐保东
Name (Pinyin):xubaodong
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctoral degree
Alma Mater:中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所
Teacher College:College of Resources & Environment

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Yelu Zeng, Jing Li, Qinhuo Liu, Yonghua Qu, Alfredo Huete, Baodong Xu, Geofei Yin, Jing Zhao. An Optimal Sampling Design for Observing and Validating Long-Term Leaf Area Index with Temporal Variations in Spatial Heterogeneities. Remote Sensing. 2015, 7, 1300.
Release time:2021-04-08 Hits:
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:Jing Zhao, Jing Li, Qinhuo Liu, Wenjie Fan, Bo Zhong, Shanlong Wu, Le Yang, Yelu Zeng, Baodong Xu, Gaofei Yin. Leaf Area Index Retrieval Combining HJ1/CCD and Landsat8/OLI Data in the Heihe River Basin, China. Remote Sensing. 2015, 7, 6862.
Next One:Yelu Zeng, Jing Li, Qinhuo Liu, Ronghai Hu, Xihan Mu, Weiliang Fan, Baodong Xu, Gaofei Yin, Shengbiao Wu. Extracting Leaf Area Index by Sunlit Foliage Component from Downward-Looking Digital Photography under Clear-Sky Conditions. Remote Sensing. 2015, 7, 13410.