Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):吴斌
Name (Pinyin):wubin
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates
Business Address:生猪健康养殖协同创新中心201
Alma Mater:华中农业大学
Teacher College:College of Animal Sciences & Technology / College of Veterinary Medicine

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- Liu, W., Yang, M., Xu, Z., Zheng, H., Liang, W., Zhou, R., Wu, B., & Chen, H. 2012. Complete Genome Sequence of Pasteurella multocida HN06, a Toxigenic Strain of Serogroup D. JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, 194(12): 3292-3293..
- Kong, H., Zhang, K., Liu, Y., Shang, Y., Wu, B., & Liu, X. (2013). Attenuated live vaccine (Bartha-K16) caused pseudorabies (Aujeszky’s disease) in sheep. Veterinary research communications, 37(4), 329-332..
- Zhang, Q., Hu, R., Tang, X., Wu, C., He, Q., Zhao, Z., Chen, H., & Wu, B. 2013. Occurrence and investigation of enteric viral infections in pigs with diarrhea in China. ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY, 158(8): 1631-1636..
- Zhang, Q., Hu, R., Hu, J., He, H., Tang, X., Jin, M., Chen, H., & Wu, B. 2013. aroA deleted Bordetella bronchiseptica inspiring robust mucosal immune response and provide full protection against intranasal challenge. RESEARCH IN VETERINARY SCIENCE, 94(1): 55-61..
- Hu, R., Zhou, Q., Song, W., Sun, E., Zhang, M., He, Q., Chen, H., Wu, B., & Liu, Z. 2015. Novel pseudorabies virus variant with defects in TK, gE and gI protects growing pigs against lethal challenge. VACCINE, 33(43): 5733-5740..
- Peng, Z., Liang, W., Liu, W., Wu, B., Tang, B., Tan, C., Zhou, R., & Chen, H. 2016. Genomic characterization of Pasteurella multocida HB01, a serotype A bovine isolate from China. GENE, 581(1): 85-93..
- Peng, Z., Liu, S., Meng, X., Liang, W., Xu, Z., Tang, B., ... & Wu, A. (2017). Genome characterization of a novel binary toxin-positive strain of Clostridium difficile and comparison with the epidemic 027 and 078 strains. Gut Pathogens, 9(1), 42..
- Peng, Z., Zhao, T., Liang, W., Song, W., Gao, Z., Tang, X., ... & Wu, B. (2017). RT-PCR detection of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus based on the ORF5 gene in mainland China, 2012-2015. Acta virologica, 61(3), 336..
- Sun, Y., Deng, M., Peng, Z., Hu, R., Chen, H., & Wu, B. 2017. Genetic and phylogenetic analysis of feline calicivirus isolates in China. VETERINARY JOURNAL, 220: 24-27..
- Peng, Z., Wang, H., Liang, W., Chen, Y., Tang, X., Chen, H., & Wu, B. 2017. A capsule/lipopolysaccharide/MLST genotype D/L6/ST11 of Pasteurella multocida is likely to be strongly associated with swine respiratory disease in China. Archives of microbiology..