Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):魏泓
Name (Pinyin):weihong
Business Address:实验动物中心一楼
Teacher College:College of Animal Sciences & Technology / College of Veterinary Medicine

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35.Zhang X, Zeng B, Liu Z, Liao Z, Li W, Wei H*, Fang X*. Comparative diversityanalysis of gut microbiota in two different human flora-associated mouse strains.CurrMicrobiol. 2014,69(3):365-73. [通讯作者,IF=1.52].
Release time:2021-04-02 Hits:
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:36.Wang Y, Zhou XY, Xiang PY, Wang LL, Tang H, Xie F, Li L, Wei H. The meganuclease I-SceI containing nuclear localization signal (NLS-I-SceI) efficiently mediated mammalian germline transgenesis via embryo cytoplasmic microinjection. PLoS One. 2014,9(9):e108347. [通讯作者,IF: 3.534]
Next One:34.Chongli Xu, Yu Liu, Yuchen Gong, XinpingDuan, Xiaochun Tang, Mingjun Zhang, Daxin Pang, Liqing Yu, Hong Wei*, Hongsheng Ouyang*. Overexpression of NPC1L1 in the livers of transgenic Bama miniature pigs accelerates lipid peroxidation. Genes Genom. 2014, DOI 10.1007/s13258-014-0235-4. [共同通讯作者,IF=0.565]