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  1. 1. 解析大豆农艺性状遗传演化规律;

  2. 我们的研究专注于深入理解大豆的农艺性状及其遗传和演化规律。我们的目标是通过深入探索和研究,来促进更有效和高效的大豆改良和育种。

  3. 2. 探究大豆重要农艺性状的表观遗传学调控机制

  4. 我们正在研究大豆重要农艺性状的表观遗传学调控机制。通过这种方式,我们期望能够揭示这些性状的形成和发展的关键过程,从而有可能开发出新的、更具针对性的育种策略。

  5. 3. 开发人工智能方法在大豆大数据研究和大豆设计育种中的新方法。

  6. 我们致力于开发和应用人工智能技术,以处理和分析大豆的大数据。这些新方法旨在为大豆设计育种提供强大的新工具,以进一步提高其产量和质量。


(1) 王旭彤(5/9); DNA甲基化对水稻基因转录、染色质构型稳定性和农业性状的影响, 吉林省人民政府, 自然科学, 省部一等奖, 2022(宫磊; 刘宝; 李宁; 徐春明; 王旭彤; 孙阅; 吴莹; 张志斌; 董芊里) (科 研奖励) (

2) Jianxin Ma; Bo Ren; Xutong Wang; Jingbo Duan ; Rhizobial tRNA-derived small RNAs and uses thereof for regulating plant nodulation, 2020-5-18, 美国, 17611802 (专利)


Xutong Wang, Liyang Chen, Jianxin Ma: Genomic introgression through interspecific hybridization counteracts genetic bottleneck during soybean domestication. Genome Biology 01/2019; 20(22)., DOI:10.1186/s13059-019-1631-5

Bo ren, Xutong Wang (co-first), Jingbo Duan, Jianxin Ma: Rhizobial tRNA-Derived Small RNAs Are Signal Molecules Regulating Plant Nodulation. Science 10.1126/science.aav8907 (2019) for the online version.

Shuai Li, Xutong Wang (co-first), Wenying Xu, Tong Liu, Chunmei Cai, Liyang Chen, Chancelor B. Clark, Jianxin Ma: Unidirectional Movement of Small RNAs from Shoots to Roots in Interspecific Heterografts. Nature Plants 7,50-59 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-020-00829-2.

Xutong Wang, Lanjuan Hu, Xiaofei Wang, Ning Li, Chunming Xu, Lei Gong, Bao Liu: DNA Methylation Affects Gene Alternative Splicing in Plants: An Example from Rice. Molecular Plant 10/2015; 9(2)., DOI:10.1016/j.molp.2015.09.016

Dajian Zhang, Xutong Wang (co-first), Shuo Li, Chaofan Wang, Michael J. Gosney, Michael V. Mickelbart, Jianxin Ma: A Post-domestication Mutation Dt2 Triggers Systemic Modification of Divergent and Convergent Pathways Modulating Multiple Agronomic Traits in Soybean. Molecular Plant 05/2019;, DOI:10.1016/j.molp.2019.05.010

Xutong Wang, Huakun Zhang, Yaling Li, Zhibin Zhang, Linfeng Li, Bao Liu: Transcriptome asymmetry in synthetic and natural allotetraploid wheats, revealed by RNA-sequencing. New Phytologist 10/2015; 209(3)., DOI:10.1111/nph.13678

Xutong Wang, Zhibin Zhang, Tiansi Fu, Lanjuan Hu, Chunming Xu, Lei Gong, Jonathan F. Wendel, Bao Liu: Gene-body CG methylation and divergent expression of duplicate genes in rice. Scientific Reports 06/2017; 7(1)., DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-02860-4

Shuai Li, Yanhua Ding, Dajian Zhang, Xutong Wang (co-first), Xuemin Tang, Deyan Dai, Hanqi Jin, Suk‐Ha Lee, Chunmei Cai, Jianxin Ma: Parallel domestication with broad mutational spectrum of determinate stem growth habit in leguminous crops. The Plant Journal 08/2018; 96(4)., DOI:10.1111/tpj.14066

Weidong Wang, Liyang Chen, Xutong Wang (co-first), Jingbo Duan, et al. A transposon‐mediated reciprocal translocation promotes environmental adaptation but compromises domesticability of wild soybeans[J]. New Phytologist, 2021, 232(4): 1765-1777.

Michitaka Notaguchi; Vicente Pallas; Jie Qiu; Xutong Wang* ; Editorial: Systemic RNA Signalling in Plants, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022

Yongbin Zhuang; Xutong Wang; Xianghong Li; Junmei Hu; Lichuang Fan; Jacob B. Landis; Steven B. Cannon; Jane Grimwood; Jeremy Dirt; Scott A. Jackson; Jeffrey J. Doyle; XianSheng Zhang; Dajian Zhang; Jianxin Ma ; Phylogenomics of the genus Glycine sheds light on polyploid evolution and life-strategy transition, Nature Plants, 2022, 8(3): 233-244