Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):汪社亮
Name (Pinyin):wangsheliang
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Agriculture
Alma Mater:Hokkudai University
Teacher College:College of Resources & Environment
School/Department:Huazhong Agricutural University


Feng, Y., Cui, R., Wang, S., He, M., Hua, Y., Shi, L., Ye, X., and Xu, F. (2019). Transcription factor BnaA9.WRKY47 contributes to the adaptation of Brassica napus to low boron stress by up-regulating the boric acid channel gene BnaA3.NIP5;1. Plant Biotechnol. J.: 1–14.
Release time:2023-03-07 Hits:
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:Wang, S., Mitani-Ueno, N., and Takano, J. (2018). Boron Uptake Assay in Xenopus laevis Oocytes. Bio-Protocol 8: 1–13.
Next One:Gu, J., Li, W., Wang, S., Zhang, X., Coules, A., Ding, G., Xu, F., Ren, J., Lu, C., and Shi, L. (2019). Differential Alternative Splicing Genes in Response to Boron Deficiency in Brassica napus. Genes (Basel). 10: 224.