Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):王满囷
Name (Pinyin):Wang ManQun
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address:第三综合楼B722b
Alma Mater:南京林业大学
Teacher College:College of Plant Sciences & Technology

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Ahmed H. Tantawy; Xiang-Gao Meng; Adel A. Marzouk; Ali Fouad; Ahmed H. Abdelazeem; Bahaa G. M. Youssif; Hong Jiang; Man-Qun Wang. Structure-based design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of novel piperine–resveratrol hybrids as antiproliferative agents targeting SIRT-2. RSC Advances 2021, 11, 25738 -25751.
Release time:2024-06-26 Hits:
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:Ahmed H. Tantawy; Mohammed Farrag El-Behairy; Walaa Hamada Abd-Allah; Hong Jiang; Man-Qun Wang; Adel A. Marzouk. Design, Synthesis, Biological Evaluation, and Computational Studies of Novel Fluorinated Candidates as PI3K Inhibitors: Targeting Fluorophilic Binding Sites. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2021, 1. 64 (23), 17468-17485
Next One:Ahmed Alengebawy, Sara Taha Abdelkhalek, Sundas Rana Qureshi, Man-Qun Wang*. Heavy Metals and Pesticides Toxicity in Agricultural Soil and Plants: Ecological Risks and Human Health Implications. Toxics, 2021, 9, 42. https://doi.org/10.3390/toxics9030042