Name (Simplified Chinese):王丽娜
Name (Pinyin):Wang Lina
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:日本东京农工大学
Teacher College:College of Economics & Management

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Kagami Hosio, Wang Lina, Ono Notatsu. A Study of the Production Structure and Marketing Strategies of the Weaving Industry in the Kiryu Textile Production Area.The Journal of Silk Science and Technology of Japan, 2009(17):15-20
Release time:2022-05-03 Hits:
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:Kagami Hosio, Wang Lina, Ono Notatsu. A Study on the Location of Silkworm Egg Industry and Its Production Cost, The Journal of Silk Science and Technology of Japan, 2009(17):pp21-25
Next One:Wang Lina#, Ono Notatsu*. A Study on Current Situation of the Hop Contract Cultivation. Agricultural Marketing Journal of Japan, 2007,16(2):90-95