Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):涂书新
Name (Pinyin):tushuxin
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:浙江大学
Teacher College:College of Resources & Environment

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- 马栋,廖晓勇,阎秀兰,金京华,涂书新. 2011. 工业污染场地土壤苯系物的检测方法比较研究. 环境科学. 32(3):842-847.
- 马琳,涂书新. 2011. 水体除砷材料的筛选及其化学成分特征研究. 水处理技术,37(1): 68-72。.
- 吴佳,谢明吉,杨倩,涂书新.2011.砷污染微生物修复的进展研究.环境科学. 32(3):.817-823.
- 黄永炳,涂书新 2011 含铁锰矿去除水体砷的效果及其影响因子研究。矿物岩石地球化学通报,30(4)增刊:461..
- Xuelong Wang, Shuxin Tu*,Xiaoli Wang, Jiahui Kang, Xuhong Tang, Wenjuan Wei, Mengxiang Peng, Guan Guan 2012.Effect of Phosphorus and Potassium Nutrition on Nicotine and Nutrient Accumulation during Topping Stage of Nicotiana tabacum L. International Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment-JFAE. Vol.10 (2): 732-740..
- Renwei Feng, Chaoyang Wei, Shuxin Tu. The roles of selenium in protecting plants against abiotic stresses. Environmental and Experimental Botany 87 (2013) 58– 68.
- Renwei Feng & Chaoyang Wei & Shuxin Tu & Yongzhen Ding & Zhengguo Song. A Dual Role of Se on Cd Toxicity: Evidences from the Uptake of Cd and Some Essential Elements and the Growth Responses in Paddy Rice. Biol Trace Elem Res DOI 10.1007/s12011-012-9532-4.
- Renwei Feng & Chaoyang Wei & Shuxin Tu &Zhongqi Liu Interactive effects of selenium and antimony on the uptake of selenium, antimony and essential elements in paddy-rice. Plant Soil DOI 10.1007/s11104-012-1399-9.
- Qian Yang, Shuxin Tu, Xiaoyong Liao, Xiulan Yan, Gejiao Wang. 2012. Arsenate reducing bacteria enhancing phytoremediation efficiency of polluted soils using Pteris vittata. International J. of Phytoremediation.12:89-99..
- Xuelong Wang, Shuxin Tu, Xiaoli Wang, Jiahui Kang, Xuhong Tang, Wenjuan Wei, Mengxiang Peng, Guan Guan 2012. Effect of Phosphorus and Potassium Nutrition on Nicotine and Nutrient Accumulation during Topping Stage of Nicotiana tabacum L. International Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment- JFAE. 10(2): 732-740. .