Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):涂书新
Name (Pinyin):tushuxin
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:浙江大学
Teacher College:College of Resources & Environment

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- Yan Jia, Shirong Tang, Ruigang Wang, Xuehai Ju, Yongzhen Ding, Shuxin Tu, Donald L. Smith. 2010. Effects of elevated CO2 on growth, photosynthesis, elemental composition, antioxidant level, and phytochelatin concentration in Lolium mutiforum and Lolium perenne under Cd stress. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 180(1-3): 384-394..
- Guan Guan, Shuxin Tu, Juncheng Yang, Jianfeng Zhang, Li Yang. 2010. The Effects of slow-release nitrogen fertilization models on soil biological properties in rice-wheat cropping system. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment. 8(3&4): 736-740.
- Guan Guan, Shuxin Tu, Juncheng Yang, Jianfeng Zhang, Li Yang . 2011. A field study on effects of nitrogen fertilization models on nutrient uptake, crop yield and soil biological properties in rice-wheat rotation system. Agricultural Sciences in China (ASC). 10(8): 101-105..
- Ma, Lin; Tu, Shuxin. 2011. Arsenic removal from water using a modified rutile ore and the preliminary mechanisms. Desalination and Water Treatment. 32: 445–452..
- Ma, Lin; Tu, Shuxin. 2011. Arsenic removing from water by two types of nano TiO2 crystals. Environmental Chemistry Letters. 9(4 ): 465-472..
- Tu, S, L. Ma, and B. Rathinasabapathi. 2011. Characterization of phytase from three ferns with variable arsenic tolerance. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 49 (2): 146-150..
- Jingguo Sun , Jiewang He*,Fengguang Wu,Shuxing Tu*, Tiejun Yan, Hui Si and Hao Xie. 2011. Comparative Analysis on Chemical Components and Sensory Quality of Aging Flue-cured Tobacco from Four Main Tobacco Areas of China. Agricultural Sciences in China (ASC). 10(8): 1222-1231.
- Feng Ren-Wei, Wei Chao-Yang, Tu Shu-Xin. Tang Shi-rong, Wu Feng-chang. 2011. Detoxification of antimony by selenium and their interaction in paddy rice under hydroponic conditions. Microchemical Journal 97 : 57–61.
- Feng Ren-Wei, Wei Chao-Yang, Tu Shu-Xin, Tang Shi-Rong, Wu Feng-Chang. 2011. Simultaneous hyperaccumulation of arsenic and antimony in Cretan brake fern: Evidence of plant uptake and subcellular distributions. Microchemical Journal 97: 38–43..
- Yan JIA, Shi-rong TANG, Xue-hai JU, Li-na SHU, Shu-xing TU, Ren-wei FENG, Lorenzino GIUSTI. 2011. Effects of elevated CO2 levels on root morphological traits and Cd uptakes of two Lolium species under Cd stress. J Zhejiang Univ-Sci B (Biomed & Biotechnol) 12(4):313-325..