Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):涂书新
Name (Pinyin):tushuxin
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:浙江大学
Teacher College:College of Resources & Environment

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许汝冰1,谢志坚2,3* ,李进平1,涂书新2,陈振国1,王学龙. 2011,海拔高度和移栽期对烤烟烟碱含量及其氮素来源的影响. 安徽农业科学, 39( 17) : 10256 - 10259,10336
Release time:2021-04-15 Hits:
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:Huang YB, Wang, LL, Tu, SX, Liu, XY, Li, XJ and Li, Y. 2011. Influence of Various Factors on Arsenic Removal Using Ferruginous Manganese Ore. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 71-78: 2753-2758.
Next One:许汝冰1,谢志坚2,3* ,李进平1,涂书新2* ,陈振国1,郭莉4,于洋2龙小燕. 2011,烤烟产量、产值及氮肥利用率(15 N)与海拔高度和移栽期的关系研究. 江西农业大学学报33( 3) : 0425 - 0431