Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):覃剑晖
Name (Pinyin):tanjianhui
Professional Title:Associate professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:中国科学院水生生物研究所
Teacher College:College of Fisheries
Other Contact Information:
Paper Publications
Zhang Xia, *Xie Xing, Chen Feizhou, Li Yanling, Li Sixin, Guo Nichun, Qin Jianhui. 2005. Present status and changes of phytoplankton community after invasion of Neosalanx taihuensis since 1982 ina deep oligotrophic plateau lake,LakeFuxianin the subtropicalChina. Journal of Environmental Sciences 17(3): 389-394.
Release time:2021-09-18 Hits:
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:Xu Jun, *Xie Ping, Qin Jianhui. 2008. Diel isotopic fluctuation in surface seston and its physiological and ecological implications. Annales De Limnology-International Journal of Limnolology, 44: 197-201
Next One:Zhang Xia, *Xie Ping, Chen Feizhou, Li Sixin, Qin Jianhui. 2007. Driving forces shaping phytoplankton assemblages in two subtropical plateau lakes with contrasting trophic status. Freshwater Biology 52 (8): 1463-1475.