主要以麦类作物为对象,进行染色体生物学和合成基因组学的研究,探索远缘杂交和多倍化的遗传机制,并利用人工染色体进行植物合成基因组学的研究。已在PNAS, Plant Cell, Genome Research, PLOS Biology, Molecular Biology and Evolution, Plant Biotechnology Journal, New Phytologist, Plant Journal, PLOS Genetics等学术期刊发表研究论文30多篇。
1. 入选2023年湖北省青年拔尖人才项目 2024-2026 主持
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“异源多倍体小麦着丝粒变异的遗传基础和功能研究”,2022-2025,主持
3. 湖北省自然科学基金自然科学基金面上类项目(青年)“异源多倍体小麦着丝粒结构和功能研究”,2021-2023,主持
4. 入选2021年武汉英才项目 2022-2023 主持
5. 华中农业大学自主科技创新基金优秀人才培育项目,“普通小麦染色体变异的遗传机制研究”,2022-2025,主持
6. 国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目“基于新型染色体重排技术的小麦种质资源多样性与演化规律研究”,2021-2026,子课题负责人
7. 华中农业大学新进高层次人才科研启动项目,2021-2026,主持
8. 国家自然科学基金委员会重大项目,“异源多倍体小麦核型稳定的遗传机制”,2020-2024,参与
9. 国家自然科学基金委员重点国际(地区)合作研究项目,“植物着丝粒失活及新着丝粒形成的表观遗传学研究”,2020-2024,参与
1. Chen C#, Wu S#, Sun Y#, Zhou J, Chen Y, Zhang J, Birchler JA, Han F, Yang N, Su H.* Three near-complete genome assemblies reveal substantial centromere dynamics from diploid to tetraploid in Brachypodium genus. Genome Biol. 2024;25(1):63.
2. He, C., Bi, S., Li, Y. et al. Dynamic atlas of histone modifications and gene regulatory networks in endosperm of bread wheat. Nat Commun 15, 9572 (2024).
3. Ai G, He C, Bi S, Zhou Z, Liu A, Hu X, Liu Y, Jin L, Zhou J, Zhang H, Du D, Chen H, Gong X, Saeed S, Su H, Lan C, Chen W, Li Q, Mao H, Li L, Liu H, Chen D, Kaufmann K, Alazab KF, Yan W. Dissecting the molecular basis of spike traits by integrating gene regulatory networks and genetic variation in wheat. Plant Commun. 2024. 5(5):100879.
4. Zhang Y, Chen G, Zang Y, Bhavani S, Bai B, Liu W, Zhao M, Cheng Y, Li S, Chen W, Yan W, Mao H, Su H, Singh RP, Lagudah E, Li Q, Lan C. Lr34/Yr18/Sr57/Pm38 confers broad-spectrum resistance to fungal diseases via transport of sinapyl alcohol for cell wall lignification in wheat. Plant Commun. 2024.
5. Zhu A, Liu M, Tian Z, Liu W, Hu X, Ao M, Jia J, Shi T, Liu H, Li D, Mao H, Su H, Yan W, Li Q, Lan C, Fernie AR, Chen W. Chemical-tag-based semi-annotated metabolomics facilitates gene identification and specialized metabolic pathway elucidation in wheat. Plant Cell. 2024; 36(3):540-558.
6. Yicheng Huang, Ziyuan Wang, Monica A Schmidt, Handong Su, Lizhong Xiong, Jianwei Zhang, DEGAP: Dynamic elongation of a genome assembly path, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2024; 25(3): bbae194.
1. Huang Y, Shi Q, Zhou C, Wang C, Liu Y, Yi C, Su H*, Han F*: Wide hybridizations reveal the robustness of functional centromeres in Triticum-Aegilops species complex lines. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jgg.2023.12.001.
2. Ma H.#, Ding W#, Chen Y, Zhou J, Chen W, Lan C, Mao H, Li Q, Yan W, Su H*. Centromere Plasticity With Evolutionary Conservation and Divergence Uncovered by Wheat 10+ Genomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2023; 40(8):msad176.
3. Gao, J., Hu, X., Gao, C., Chen, G., Feng, H., Jia, Z., Zhao, P., Yu, H., Li, H., Geng, Z., Fu, J., Zhang, J., Cheng, Y., Yang, B., Pang, Z., Xiang, D., Jia, J., Su, H., Mao, H., Lan, C., Chen, W., Yan, W., Gao, L.*, Yang, W.* and Li, Q*. (2023), Deciphering genetic basis of developmental and agronomic traits by integrating high-throughput optical phenotyping and genome-wide association studies in wheat. Plant Biotechnol J. https://doi.org/10.1111/pbi.14104
4. Huang Y, Liu Y, Guo X, Fan C, Yi C, Shi Q, Su H, Liu C, Yuan J, Liu D, Yang W, Han F*. New insights on the evolution of nucleolar dominance in newly resynthesized hexaploid wheat Triticum zhukovskyi. Plant J. 2023 https://doi.org/10.1111/tpj.16320
5. Zhang L, He C, Lai Y, Wang Y, Kang L, Liu A, Lan C, Su H, Gao Y, Li Z, Yang F, Li Q, Mao H, Chen D, Chen W, Kaufmann K, Yan W*. Asymmetric gene expression and cell-type-specific regulatory networks in the root of bread wheat revealed by single-cell multiomics analysis. Genome Biol. 2023 Apr 4;24(1):65.
6. Guo X, Shi Q, Liu Y, Su H, Zhang J, Wang M, Wang C, Wang J, Zhang K, Fu S, Hu X, Jing D, Wang Z, Li J, Zhang P, Liu C, Han F*. Systemic development of wheat-Thinopyrum elongatum translocation lines and their deployment in wheat breeding for Fusarium head blight resistance. Plant J. 2023.
7. Guo X, Shi Q, Wang M, Yuan J, Zhang J, Wang J, Liu Y, Su H, Wang Z, Li J, Liu C, Ye X, Han F*. Functional analysis of the glutathione S-transferases from Thinopyrum and its derivatives on wheat Fusarium head blight resistance. Plant Biotechnol J. 2023; 21(6):1091-1093.
1. Qian Liu, CongYang Yi, Zeyan Zhang, Handong Su, Chang Liu, Yuhong Huang, Wei Li, Xiaojun Hu, Cheng Liu, James A. Birchler, Yang Liu, Fangpu Han*. (2022). Non-B-form DNA tends to form in centromeric regions and has undergone changes in polyploid oat subgenomes. PNAS.120 (1) e2211683120.
2. Cheng Liu , Handong Su, Sakuma S, Mingliang Xu, Birchler JA, Fangpu Han. 2022. Editorial: Genomics and disease resistance in wheat and maize. Frontiers in Plant Sciences 13:1064948
3. Qinghua Shi, Xianrui Guo, Handong Su, Yingxin Zhang, Zanmin Hu, Jing Zhang and Fangpu Han*. (2022). Autoploid origin and rapid diploidization of the tetraploid Thinopyrum elongatum revealed by genome differentiation and chromosome pairing in meiosis. Plant J. doi: 10.1111/tpj.16066.
4. Jingwei Zhou, Yan Liu, Xianrui Guo, James A. Birchler*, Fangpu Han*, Handong Su* (2022). Centromeres: from chromosome biology to biotechnology applications and synthetic genomes in plants. Plant Biotechnology J. 20(11):2051-2063.
5. Handong Su#, Yan Liu#, Chunhui Wang#, Yalin Liu, Chao Feng, Yishuang Sun, Jing Yuan, James A. Birchler, Fangpu Han* (2021). Knl1 participates in spindle assembly checkpoint signaling in maize. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 118(20):e2022357118.
6. Blavet Nicolas#, Hua Yang#, Handong Su#, Pavel Solanský, Ryan N. Douglas, Miroslava Karafiátová, Lucie Šimková, Jing Zhang, Yalin Liu, Jie Hou, Xiaowen Shi, Chen Chen, Mohamed El-Walid, Morgan E. McCaw, Patrice S. Albert, Zhi Gao, Changzeng Zhao, Gil Ben-Zvi, Lior Glick, Guy Kol, Jinghua Shi, Jan Vrána, Hana Šimková, Jonathan C. Lamb, Kathleen Newton, R. Kelly Dawe, Jaroslav Doležel, Tieming Ji, Kobi Baruch, Jianlin Cheng, Fangpu Han*, James A. Birchler*, and Jan Bartoš*. (2021). Sequence of the supernumerary B chromosome of maize provides insight into its drive mechanism and evolution. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 118(23):e2104254118.
7. Yang Liu#, Qian Liu#, Handong Su#, Kunpeng Liu, Xue Xiao, Wei Li, Qianwen Sun, James A. Birchler and Fangpu Han*. (2021). Genome-wide mapping reveals R-loops associated with centromeric repeats in maize. Genome Res. 31(8):1409-1418
8. Qian Liu, Yang Liu, Qinghua Shi, Handong Su, Chunhui Wang, James A. Birchler*, Fangpu Han* (2021). Emerging roles of centromeric RNAs in centromere formation and function. Genes & Genomics. 43(3): 217–226.
9. Xueyong Yang#, Handong Su#, Mengzhuo Zhang, Guangtao Zhu, Shifeng Cheng, Fangpu Han*, Sanwen Huang*. (2021). Polyploidization and domestication (in Chinese). Sci Sin Vitae. 51: 1457–1466.
1. Yang Liu#, Chunhui Wang#, Handong Su#, James A. Birchler, Fangpu Han* (2020). Phosphorylation of histone H3 by Haspin regulates chromosome alignment and segregation in maize mitosis. J Exp Bot. 72(4):1046–1058.
2. Yalin Liu#, Handong Su#, Jing Zhang#, Lindan Shi, Yang Liu, Bing Zhang, Han Bai, Shuang Liang, Zhi Gao, James A. Birchler, Fangpu Han*(2020). Rapid birth or death of centromeres on fragmented chromosomes in maize. Plant Cell. 32(10): 3113–3123.
3. Yalin Liu#, Handong Su#, Jing Zhang, Yang Liu, Chao Feng, Fangpu Han* (2020). Back-spliced RNA from retrotransposon binds to centromere and regulates centromere chromatin loops in maize. PLoS Biol. 18(1): e3000582.
4. Jing Zhang#, Chao Feng, Handong Su, Yang Liu, Yalin Liu, Fangpu Han* (2020). The Cohesin Complex Subunit3 Participates in Meiotic Centromere Pairing in Maize. Plant Cell. 32(4): 1323-1336.
5. Chao Feng#, Jing Yuan#, Han Bai, Yalin Liu, Handong Su, Yang Liu, Lindan Shi, Zhi Gao, James A. Birchler, Fangpu Han* (2020). The deposition of CENH3 is stringently regulated in Maize. Plant J. 102(1), 6-17.
6. Handong Su#, Yalin Liu#, Chang Liu, Qinghua Shi, Yuhong Huang, Fangpu Han* (2019). Centromere Satellite Repeats Have Undergone Rapid Changes in Polyploid Wheat Subgenomes. Plant Cell. 31: 2035–2051.
1. Handong Su#, Yalin Liu, Yang Liu, James A. Birchler, Fangpu Han* (2018). The behavior of the maize B chromosome and centromere. Genes, 9(10): 476.
2. Gent J.I., Nannas N.J., Liu Y., Su H., Zhao H., Gao Z., Kelly D.R., Jiang J., Han F., and Birchler J.A. Genomics of maize centromeres. in The Maize Genome, J. Bennetzen, S. Flint-Garcia, C. Hirsch, and R. Tuberosa, eds. (Cham: Springer International Publishing), 2018, pp. 59-80.
3. Chao Feng#, Handong Su, Han Bai, Rui Wang, Yang Liu, Xianrui Guo, Chang Liu, Jing Zhang, Jing Yuan, James A. Birchler, Fangpu Han* (2018). High-efficiency genome editing using a dmc1 promoter-controlled CRISPR/Cas9 system in maize. Plant Biotech J. 16(11): 1848-1857.
4. Handong Su#, Yalin Liu, Qianhua Dong, Chao Feng, Jing Zhang, Yang Liu, James A. Birchler, Fangpu Han* (2017). Dynamic location changes of Bub1-phosphorylated-H2AThr133 with CENH3 nucleosome in maize centromeric regions. New Phytol. 214: 682-694.
5. Yang Liu#, Handong Su#, Yalin Liu#, Jing Zhang, Qianhua Dong, James A. Birchler, Fangpu Han* (2017). Cohesion and centromere activity are required for phosphorylation of histone H3 in maize. Plant J. 92(6): 1121-1131.
6. Jing Wang#, Yalin Liu, Handong Su, Xianrui Guo, Fangpu Han* (2017). Centromere structure and function analysis in wheat-rye translocation lines. Plant J. 91(2): 199-207.
7. Long Wang#, Qinghua Shi, Handong Su, Yi Wang, Lina Sha, Xing Fan, Houyang Kang, Haiqin Zhang, Yonghong Zhou* (2017). St2-80: a new FISH marker for St genome and genome analysis in Triticeae. Genome. 60(7): 553-563.
8. Jing Yuan, Qinghua Shi, Xiang Guo, Yalin Liu, Handong Su, Xianrui Guo, Zhenling Lv, Fangpu Han* (2017). Site-specific transfer of chromosomal segments and genes in wheat engineered chromosomes. J Genet Genomics. 44(11): 531-539.
1. Handong Su#, Yalin Liu#, Yongxin Liu, Zhenling Lv, Hongyao Li, Shaojun Xie, Zhi Gao, Junling Pang, Xiujie Wang, Jingshen Lai, James A. Birchler*, Fangpu Han* (2016). Dynamic chromatin changes associated with de novo centromere formation in maize euchromatin. Plant J. 88: 854-866.
2. Xiang Guo#, Handong Su#, Qinghua Shi#, Shulan Fu, Jing Wang, Xiangqi Zhang, Zanmin Hu, Fangpu Han* (2016). De novo centromere formation and centromeric sequence expansion in wheat and its wide hybrids. PLoS Genet. 12(4): e1005997.
3. Yalin Liu#, Handong Su#, Junling Pang, Zhi Gao, Xiujie Wang, James A. Birchler*, Fangpu Han* (2015). Sequential de novo centromere formation and inactivation on a chromosomal fragment in maize. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 112: e1263-1271.
4. Chao Feng#, Yalin Liu, Handong Su, Hefei Wang, James A. Birchler, Fangpu Han* (2015). Recent advances in plant centromere biology. Sci China Life Sci. 58(3): 240-245.
5. Yalin Liu#, Handong Su, Jing Zhang, Yang Liu, Fangpu Han, James A. Birchler* (2015). Dynamic epigenetic states of maize centromeres. Front Plant Sci. 6: 904.
1. Bing Zhang#, Qianhua Dong, Handong Su, James A. Birchler, Fangpu Han* (2014). Histone phosphorylation: its role during cell cycle and centromere identity in plants. Cytogenetic Genome Res. 143(1-3): 144-149.
2. Jing Zhang#, Bing Zhang, Handong Su, James A. Birchler, Fangpu Han* (2014). Molecular mechanisms of homologous chromosome pairing and segregation in plants. J Genet Genomics. 41(3): 117-123.
3. Lei Zhou#, Xiaolan Yu, Qingjie Meng, Hongqiang Li, Congcong Niu, Yun Jiang, Yuxi Cai, Minghui Li, Qiang Li, Chaoqiang An, Le Shu, Ao Chen, Handong Su, Yin Tang, Shen Yin, Silja Raschke, Kristin Eckardt, Jürgen Eckel, Zaiqing Yang* (2013). Resistin reduces mitochondria and induces hepatic steatosis in mice by the protein kinase C/protein kinase G/p65/PPAR gamma coactivator 1 alpha pathway. Hepatology. 57(4): 1384-1393.