苏超,华中农业大学植物科学技术学院教授,博士生导师,作物遗传改良国家重点实验室和湖北洪山实验室研究人员,国家级青年人才项目(海外)获得者(2023年),入选湖北省人才计划(2023)。长期从事豆科植物与根瘤菌共生固氮方面的研究,特别是根瘤菌侵染以及根瘤菌细胞内定殖的细胞学机理以及分子机制。研究成果以第一作者或通讯作者(含共同)在 Nature Communications、Current Biology、Plant Cell、New Phytologist、Trends in Plant Science 等知名期刊上发表,Journal of Experimental Botany 编委成员。担任 Plant Cell、Journal of Experimental Botany, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology、Plant Direct 等期刊审稿人。
1. Su C, Rodriguez-Franco M, Lace B, Liang P, Nebel N, Schulze E, Fischer A, Elizabeth-Gabor K, Mymrikov E, Gross N, Mark E, Keller J, Libourel C, Delaux PM, Hunte C, Weber W, Wendler P, Stanislas T, Einsle O, Ott T (2022) Stabilization of cell wall-devoid symbiotic membranes by a proteinaceous remorin scaffold. Nature Communications; 14 (1): 323
2. Su C#, Wietschorke J, Rodriguez-Franco M, Zhang G, Yang W, Liang P, Uhler L, Li X, Ott T# (2022) Transcellular progression of infection threads in Medicago truncatula roots is controlled by locally confined cell wall modifications. Current Biology; 33(3): 533-542
3. Su C, Klein ML, Hernandez-Reyes C, Batzenschlager M, Ditengou FA, Lace B, Keller J, Delaux PM, Ott T (2020) The Medicago truncatula DREPP protein triggers microtubule fragmentation in membrane nanodomains during symbiotic infections. Plant Cell; 32 (5): 1357-1358 (Highlighted with an In Brief article in Plant Cell)
4. Su C(2023)Pectin modifications at the symbiotic interface. New Phytologist; 238 (1): 25-32
5. Su C#, Wang L, Kong F# (2023) miR172: a messenger between nodulation and flowering. Trends in Plant Science; 28 (6): 623-625