Wenbo Shu
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):Wenbo Shu
Name (English):Wenbo Shu
Name (Pinyin):shuwenbo
Academic Titles:湖北省林木良种选育协作组“种质资源收集与评价协作组”副组长;湖北省林木品种审定委员会委员
Other Post:民进湖北省第八届委员会科技委员会委员
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address:园林楼北楼313
Alma Mater:华中农业大学园艺林学学院
Discipline:Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding
Other Contact Information:
Paper Publications
- 舒文波,禤火超,林凡,杨章旗.广西南部马尾松、火炬松与湿地松优良家系选择[J].广西林业科学, 2013, 42(1):57-60.
- 罗炼平,舒文波*,聂海泉,聂永雄,叶锦培,严壮洧.马尾松土贡种源纯林与混交林生长量和产脂力比较[J].广西林业科学, 2013 (1): 66-70.
- 舒文波,邵锦贤,杨章旗,林伟国,梁远毅.马尾松采脂林下田七种植可行性与经济效益初探[J].林业经济问题, 2012, 32(6):541-544.
- 舒文波,杨章旗.马尾松不同采脂年龄和径级产脂量变化特点研究[J].中南林业科技大学学报, 2011, 31(11):39-43.
- 舒文波,杨章旗,兰富.施肥对马尾松中龄林生长量和产脂的影响[J].森林与环境学报, 2009, 29(2):160-165.
- Xiaofeng Cai, Changjuan Zhang,Wenbo Shu, Zhibiao Ye, Hanxia Li , and YuyangZhang*. The transcription factor SlDof22 involved in ascorbate accumulation and salinity stress in tomato[J]. Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications, 2016, 474(4):736-741.
- Yuyang Zhang., Hanxi Li.,Wenbo Shu., Chanjuan Zhang., Wei Zhang., and Zhibiao Ye*. Suppressed Expression of Ascorbate Oxidase Gene Promotes Ascorbic Acid Accumulation in Tomato Fruit[J]. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2011, 29(3):638-645.
- Yuyang Zhang., Hanxi Li.,Wenbo Shu., Chanjuan Zhang., and Zhibiao Ye*. RNA interference of a mitochondrial APX gene improves vitamin C accumulation in tomato fruit[J]. Scientia Horticulturae, 2011, 129(2):220-226.