Ren T, Weraduwage SM, Sharkey TD*. 2019. Prospects for enhancing leaf photosynthetic capacity by manipulating mesophyll cell morphology. Journal of Experiment Botany. ery448,https://doi.org/10.1093/jxb/ery448
发布时间:2021-04-14 点击次数:
上一条:张洋洋,任涛*,鲁剑巍,薛欣欣,张丽,李小坤. 2013.不同形态钾肥配比对油菜生物量及钾肥利用率的影响.中国土壤与肥料. 3:74-77.
下一条:Hu WS,Ren T*, Meng FJ, Cong RH, Li XK, WhitePJ, Lu JW. 2019.Leaf photosynthetic capacity is regulated by the interaction of nitrogen and potassium through coordination of CO2 diffusion and carboxylation. PhysiologiaPlantarum (Accepted).