Bo Ouyang
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):Bo Ouyang
Name (English):Bo Ouyang
Name (Pinyin):Ouyang Bo
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address:园林南楼424
Alma Mater:华中农业大学


Chen R, Yang C, Gao H, Shi C, Zhang Z, Lu G, Shen X, Tang Y, Li F, Lu Y, Ouyang B. Induced mutation in ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL5 abolishes anthocyanin accumulation in the hypocotyl of pepper. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 2022, 135: 3455-3468
Release time:2025-02-25 Hits:
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:Chen R, Yang C, Gao H, Shi C, Zhang Z, Lu G, Shen X, Tang Y, Li F, Lu Y, Ouyang B. Induced mutation in ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL5 abolishes anthocyanin accumulation in the hypocotyl of pepper. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 2022, 135: 3455-3468
Next One:沈心彦, 侯晓雷, 孙培楠, 刘敏敏, 唐亚萍, 李宁, 卢永恩, 叶志彪, 欧阳波. 分子标记辅助选择改良加工番茄的耐旱性. 园艺学报, 2023, 50: 1429-1443