Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):闵师
Name (Pinyin):minshi
Administrative Position:农业经济管理系副主任
Academic Titles:健康经济与绿色农业发展学科创新引智基地办公室主任
Other Post:交叉科学研究院研究员、乡村振兴研究院特聘研究员
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Economics
Business Address:人文社科楼M519室
Alma Mater:汉诺威大学
Teacher College:College of Economics & Management
Discipline:Agricultural Economy Management
Other Contact Information:
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Paper Publications
- 青平,廖芬*,闵师,裴梦媛,游良志(2020):营养扶贫:助力健康扶贫与推进精准扶贫的新模式——基于国内外研究的文献综述. 农业经济问题 5: 4-16..
- 张晓恒*, 王志娜, 闵师(2020):农村集体建设用地试点改革:整理、盘活与收益分配.新疆农垦经济11:1-11..
- Shi Min, Xiaobing Wang*, Shaoze Jin, Hermann Waibel, Jikun Huang (2020): Climate change and farmers’ perceptions: Impact on rubber farming in the Upper Mekong region. Climatic Change, 163(1), 451-480..
- Shi Min, Cheng Xiang*, Xiaoheng Zhang (2020): Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on consumers’ food safety knowledge and behavior in China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 19(12):2926-2936..
- Shi Min, Xiaoheng Zhang, Gucheng Li* (2020): A Snapshot of Food Supply Chain in Wuhan under the COVID-19 pandemic. China Agricultural Economic Review, 12(4): 689-704..
- Shi Min, Jikun Huang*, Min Liu (2020): Does the application of ICTs facilitate rural economic transformation in China? Empirical evidence from the use of smartphones among farmers. Journal of Asian Economics, 70, 101219: 1-16..
- Hermann Waibel*, Ulrike Grote, Shi Min, Trung Thanh Nguyen, SuwannaPraneetvatakul (2020): COVID-19 in the Greater Mekong Subregion: How resilient are rural households? Food Security, 12(4), 779-782..
- 闵师, 丁雅文, 王晓兵, 王雨珊 (2019):小农生产中的农业社会化服务需求:来自百乡万户调查数据. 农林经济管理学报 6: 795-802..
- 闵师,王晓兵,侯玲玲*,黄季焜 (2019):农户参与人居环境整治的影响因素:基于西南山区的调查数据.中国农村观察 4: 94-110..
- 闵师,王晓兵, 项诚*,黄季焜(2019):农村集体资产产权制度改革:进程、模式与挑战.农业经济问题 5: 19-29..