Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):李霞
Name (Pinyin):lixia
Administrative Position:教授博导
Other Post:洪山实验室,作物遗传改良全国重点实验室
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address:华中农业大学第三综合楼609b
Alma Mater:美国普渡大学
Teacher College:College of Plant Sciences & Technology


- 81. Xie, Q., Yan, X., Liao, X., & Li, X.* (2009). The arsenic hyperaccumulator fern Pteris vittata L. Environmental Science & Technology, 43, 8488-8495..
- 82. Wang, X., Gao, Z., Wang, Y., Bressan, R. A., Weller, S. C., & Li, X.* (2009). Highly efficient in vitro adventitious shoot regeneration of peppermint (Mentha x piperita L.) using internodal explants. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant, 45, 435-440..
- 83. Manabe, Y., Bressan, R., Wang, T., Li, F., Koiwa, H., Sokolchik, I., Li, X.*, & Maggio, A. (2008). The Arabidopsis kinase-associated protein phosphatase regulates adaptation to Na+ stress. Plant Physiology, 146, 612-622..
- 84. Wang, Y. N., Wang, T., Li, K. X., & Li, X.* (2008). Genetic analysis of involvement of ETR1 in plant response to salt and osmotic stress. Plant Growth Regulation, 54, 261-269..
- 85. Wang, Y. N., Zhang, W. S., Li, K. X., Sun, F. F., Han, C. Y., Wang, Y. K., & Li, X.* (2008). Salt-induced plasticity of root hair development is caused by ion disequilibrium in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Plant Research, 121, 87-98..
- 86. Wang, Y. N., Li, X.* (2008). Salt stress-induced cell reprogramming cell fate switch and adaptive plasticity during root hair development in Arabidopsis. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 3, 436-438..
- 87. Liu, C., Wang, T., Zhang, W. S., & Li, X.* (2008). Computational identification and analysis of immune-associated nucleotide gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Plant Physiology, 165, 777-787..
- 88. Wang, Y. N., Liu, C., Li, K. X., Sun, F. F., Hu, H. Z., & Li, X.* (2007). Arabidopsis EIN2 modulates stress response through abscisic acid response pathway. Plant Molecular Biology, 64, 633-644..
- 89. Inan, G., Goto, F., Jin, J., A. Rosado, Koiwa, H., Shi, H., Hasegawa, P. M., Bressan, R. A., Maggio, A., & Li, X.* (2007). Isolation and characterization of shs1, a sugar-hypersensitive and ABA-insensitive mutant with multiple stress responses. Plant Molecular Biology, 65, 295-309..
- 90. Zhang, W., Li, X.*, & Liu, J. B. (2007). Genetic variation of Bmy1 alleles in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) investigated by CAPS analysis. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 114, 1039-1050..