Yongzhong Liu
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Name (Simplified Chinese):Yongzhong Liu
Name (English):Yongzhong Liu
Name (Pinyin):liuyongzhong
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address:园林楼509
Alma Mater:华中农业大学
Discipline:Other specialties in Horticulture Pomology
- Guo LX,Liu YZ*, Luo LJ,Hussain SB,Bai YX, Alam,SM.Comparative Metabolites and Citrate-Degrading Enzymes Activities in Citrus Fruits Revealthe Role of Balance between ACL and Cyt-ACO in Metabolite Conversions.Plants,2020,3(9):350.
- Hussain SB, Guo L-X, Shi C-Y, Khan MA, Bai Y-X, Du W, Liu Y-Z*. Assessment of Sugar and Sugar Accumulation-Related Gene Expression Profiles Reveal New Insight into the Formation of Low Sugar Accumulation Trait in a Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis) Bud Mutant. Mol Biol Rep,2020,47:2781-2791..
- Bai, Y.-X., S. B. Hussain, X. Wei, C.-Y. Shi, D.-H. Liu and Y.-Z. Liu*. Identification and transcript analysis of CsAPD2 reveal its potential role in citric acid accumulation in citrus fruits. Scientia Horticulturae,2020,272: 109607..
- 罗丽娟,郭玲霞,刘永忠*.温度和pH值对柑橘汁胞柠檬酸含量及相关基因表达的影响[J].华中农业大学学报,2020,39(1):18-23.
- 柳嘉程,柳东海,刘烽,刘永忠*.肥水控制纽荷尔脐橙枝梢生长初步研究.湖北农业科学,2020,59(4):102-104..
- Liu X, Guo L-X, Luo L-J, Liu Y-Z*, Peng S-A* (2019) Identification of the magnesium transport (MGT) family in Poncirus trifoliata and functional characterization of PtrMGT5 in magnesium deficiency stress. Plant Molecular Biology,2019,101(6), 551-560..
- Shi C-Y, Hussain SB, Yang H, Bai Y-X, Khan MA, Liu Y-Z*.CsPH8, a P-type proton pump gene, plays a key role in the diversity of citric acid accumulation in citrus fruits. Plant Sci,2019, 289:110288..
- 严敏,罗丽娟,韩忠星,袁野,李江波,杜威,刘永忠*.南丰蜜橘和南丰蜜广果实质构特性、细胞壁成分及营养元素比较研究.农业科学, 2019, 9(8): 689-696..
- 韦欣,罗丽娟,严翔,陈传武,张生才,刘永忠.黄龙病对柑桔果实品质及矿质元素的影响.中国南方果树,2019,48(03): 11-14..
- Long‑Fei Jin,Da‑Yong Guo,Dong‑yuan Ning,Syed Bilal Hussain,Yong‑Zhong Liu*. Covering the trees of Kinokuni tangerine with plastic film during fruit ripening improves sweetness and alters the metabolism of cell wall components. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum (2018) 40:182..