

- Wang Y. L., Zeng Z. R.*, Liu M. M., Yang M., Dong C. Z., Determination of organophosphorus pesticides in pakchoi samples by headspace solid-phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography using home-made fiber. European Food Research and Technology, 2008, 226: 1091-1098. (SCI, IF 2.056).
- 邱国红, 杨丹, 冯雄汉, 张旭亮, 陈秀华, 刘名茗, 刘凡*, Cu2+离子掺杂钙锰矿的合成及电化学性质研究. 高等学校化学学报, 2009, 30: 1481-1486. (SCI, IF 0.676).
- Cha D.M., Cheng D.E., Liu M.M., Zeng Z.R.*, Analysis of fatty acids in sputum from patients with pulmonary tuberculosis using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry preceded by solid-phase microextraction and post-derivatization on the fiber. Journal of Chromatography A, 2009, 1216: 1450-1457. (SCI, IF 3.858).
- 殷辉, 刘凡, 冯雄汉, 谭文峰, 邱国红*, 陈秀华, 刘名茗, 常压回流条件下拉锰矿的合成及其影响因素. 无机材料学报, 2011, 26(3): 321-326. (SCI, IF 0.635).
- Wang Y.L., Zeng Z.R.*, Liu M.M., Analysis of naphthalene residues in textile samples by GC-FID using sol-gel-derived SPME fiber. Journal of Chromatographic Science, 2011, 49(1): 29-34. (SCI, IF 1.216).
- Yin H., Liu F., Feng X.H., Liu M.M., Tan W.F., Qiu G.H.*, Co2+-exchange mechanism of birnessite and its application for the removal of Pb2+ and As(III). Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011,196, 318-328. (SCI, IF 7.65).
- Liu N., Wang M.X., Liu M.M., Liu F., Weng L.P., Koolpal L.K., Tan W.F.*, Sorption of tetracycline on organo-montmorillonites. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012, 225, 28-35. (SCI, IF 7.65).
- Wang M.X., Tan W.F., Feng X.H., Koopal L.K., Liu M.M., Liu F.*, One-step synthesis of sea urchin-like alpha-MnO2 using KIO4 as the oxidant and its oxidation of arsenite. Materials Letters, 2012, 77, 60-62. (SCI, IF 3.019.
- Yan Y.P., Wan B., Liu F., Tan W.F.,Liu M.M., Feng X.H.*, Adsorption-Desorption of Myo-Inositol Hexakisphosphate on Hematite. Soil Science, 2014, 179, 476-485.(SCI IF 1.7).
- Zhu Y.H., Liang X.R., Zhao H.Y., Yin H., Liu M.M., Liu F., Feng X.H., Rapid determination of the Mn average oxidation state of Mn oxides with a novel two-step colorimetric method. Ananlytical methods, 2017, 9 (1), 103-109..