Name (Simplified Chinese):柳俊
Name (Pinyin):liujun
Professional Title:Professor
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:华中农业大学
Teacher College:College of Life Sciences & Technology


Ou Y, Song B, Liu X, Lin Y, Zhang H, Li M, Fang H, Liu J. Profiling of StvacINV1 Expression in relation to acid invertase activity and sugar accumulation in potato cold-stored tubers. Potato Research. 2013, 56:157–165(通讯作者)
Release time:2021-06-23 Hits:
Translation or Not:no
Pre One:Yu Y, Ye W, He L, Cai X, Liu T, Liu J. Introgression of bacterial wilt resistance from eggplant to potato via protoplast fusion and genome components of the hybrids. Plant Cell Repots. 2013, 32:1687–1701(通讯作者)
Next One:Chen L, Guo X, Xie C, He L, Cai X, Tian L, Song B, Liu J. Nuclear and cytoplasmic genome components of Solanum tuberosum + S. chacoense somatic hybrids and three SSR alleles related to bacterial wilt resistance. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2013, 126:1661-1872(通讯作者)